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Posts posted by Stef18Ink

  1. I am similar to your situation. Not good at finding the right people. I also love to get lost in my head phones in this app called spotify and I go hunting for the music my ears like. and I like to draw in rl .I like using pens. Well only when I am down (sad)  I end up creating a masterpiece. But I know I'm not that good.i try to get to know people but end up being forgotten...like I'm too boring or something...I can get shy but mostly I try not too. I try opening up even if it means people walking away lol.the ones that walk away from me rant for keeps :D I am 19 years old and I will be 20 in December (the following month) I would like to get to know you but at the moment I cannot go in world which I miss. So far this is my first forum reply I think not sure. I am on a tablet so I am very sorry if I have made any small errors. It's hard having auto correct popping up every second l:

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