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ken Beyaz

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Posts posted by ken Beyaz

  1. Thank you so much to everyone for replying so promptly and with such useful information I will do some tests as suggested, but it would seem that getting avatars to take off attachments (which would include scripted attachments) in addition to reducing their render weight (clothes, footwear, jewelry, mesh clothes) would make a difference. Thank you for this learning experience

  2. I am planning lag reduction measures for a forthcoming event and plan to turn off scripts on the parcel except for group members. This is supposed to work below 50m altitude and I am happy that turning this off in the parcel options does indeed prevent avatars using HUDS and attachments (when they click it no longer appears to work) BUT llGetObjectDetails() still reports non-zero running scripts and non-zero CPU time and memory through the OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT, OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME and OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY flags with the same values as if scripts WEREN'T disabled. So does firestorm through it's menus (which I guess must also be getting its info via the bridge using llGetObjectDetails() ) SO my question is: Are sim resources still being used to maintain the scripts or aren't they? Is this just a reporting issue with llGetObjectDetails()?
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