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Posts posted by Daemonbriggss

  1. Thank you for your interest in Club Beatz. Allow me to tell you a little about ourselves. We are a club that prides itself on good music and a fun environment. We are currently looking to hire DJs and host/ess. The following will be an explaination of what we expect and so forth. Please take the time to read through.

    DJs- We expect you to have a wide range of variety when it comes to music. And while most music at the club will fit a certain genre, there will be nights of themes and such where you might be required to play something a little different. You must be willing to take requests. It is asked that you have a full playlist available for your slotted time, but it never hurts to have a bit more.

    Host/ess- You will have to learn or already know how to send notices out for the club with a landmark attachment. You will need to learn the rules of the club (Everyone is given a notecard at the rule board). You are expected to be fun, outgoing, flirty but not trashy. You will be expected to send out notices of events or just generally try to draw in people during your shift. Friends, friends of friends.

    Now, I would like to take a little time to talk about the general information. So, bare with us. The following will consist of Pay, Notices/events, call outs on shift, no shows on shift, ect.

    Pay - This is rather simple. You are paid based on tips. This is an incentive system. While on shift, whatever you are tipped, you keep 90%. The club will take the other 10% and this is to help us keep the club up and running. Owners do not take any for ourselves. All goes to keeping the club open for people to enjoy. So, with that said, you want more money, bring in more people. This helps you and helps the club. We do ask, no matter what position you take with us, you advertise people to donate to the club as well. There will be a club donation jar, but, whatever is made there is PURELY for the club. The owners and operators make ZERO profit from this.

    Events - We have a staff/event board. We will always take into consideration the times you are available for working. We will make a schedule based around that. Your times will be posted for a week as well as what event you will be hosting/DJing/dancing for. YOU are responsible for checking this board to know your schedule. We will not baby anyone. This is a business. If there is any scheduling conflicts, you can't make it, want more shifts. Let us know and we will be happy to accommodate for those needs.

    Call outs/ No shows - If you are scheduled and you are unable to make it, please let us know. This is so we can find a replacement for you and the floor isn't left empty. We understand sometimes things happen. And real life will always come first. So, if your power goes out, your dog gets ran over, little timmy gets hurt. All things happen and we understand. But, as a business, we have to have reliable employees. SO, constantly calling out of a shift will lead to termination. Also, another quick way is simply not show up with no notice. You are scheduled and do not show up and give no word, we will simply take that to mean you are no longer interested in employment with us and will remove you from the staff board and give those slots to someone who wants them.

    Personal IMs - When on duty and working, we ask that you keep personal chat to a minimum. Now, we don't mind if you chat in private with friends or such. However, we ask that you stay focused to the club and it's attendees. We want guests to feel important, so please give them your attention while working. Believe us, people will know when you are ignoring them, and it will affect your tips.

    Relationships - We have no issues if your significant other joins you here at the club while you are working. But, we will not tolerate any petty jealousy and drama from relationships. Should it become a constant problem, we will ask you to tell your other to leave, should that fail and it continue, we will remove them and you from the club. We are all here to have a good time, and that is what we promote. So, no drama with your significant other.

    Staff tags - When you are on duty at the club, you are expected to wear your club staff tag. When you are not on duty, we ask that you merely where the club group tag, so patrons wont confuse you with being on staff. This will eliminate much confusion about who is working and who isn't. And will allow you to enjoy the club in peace without patrons IMing you about things.

    Skype- That's right. We ask that you have a skype to join in on the group. No, we do not require you to talk in it. In fact, we wont be doing it either. No, you are not obligated to add anyone individually. This is mere so you and staff and management can all talk and such for meetings and the like.

    Next, the requirements. Obviously as a business that is located on an adult parcel, we have requirements and rules. So, lets get those listed.
    All members of the staff/group/ect are required to be of atleast 18 years of age. We will not promote to minors and will not permit minors around this organization. All applicants should be able to work on a weekly and regular basis. Sadly, this is an online community. So, you must have a somewhat solid internet connection. You can't keep going offline every 5 minutes all night every night. You must possess good communication skills, possess knowledge of gestures, be reliable and be prepared to be a part of a team and family.

    You will notice we forwent the the requirement about needing to be 30 days minimum or older on SecondLife. This is simple, it's a real pain to have to sit around and wait a month before you can start to find work and make money here. So, we offer employment to anyone, regardless of age here. As long as you meet the above requirements and you look decent. Obviously as a business, we can't have you looking like you're fresh out of the gate. So, there must be a certain level of appeal to your look.

    All applicants for staff must fill out a application with just some basic information. As well as be willing to do a face to face interview with us. We are a new club as of right now, but we have much potential and for those who get in on the ground floor with us, will rise with us. We will offer future expansion opportunities, but as with all things, it takes time and effort. We look forward to hearing from you.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gurla/235/93/68  <---- to the club!

  2. Thank you for your interest in Club Thirst. Allow me to tell you a little about ourselves. We are a club that prides itself on good music and a fun environment. We are currently looking to hire DJs and host/ess as well as dancers. The following will be an explaination of what we expect and so forth. Please take the time to read through.

    DJs- We expect you to have a wide range of variety when it comes to music. And while most music at the club will fit a certain genre, there will be nights of themes and such where you might be required to play something a little different. You must be willing to take requests. It is asked that you have a full playlist available for your slotted time, but it never hurts to have a bit more.

    Host/ess- You will have to learn or already know how to send notices out for the club with a landmark attachement. You will need to learn the rules of the club (Everyone is given a notecard at the rule board). You are expected to be fun, outgoing, flirty but not trashy. You will be expected to send out notices of events or just generally try to draw in people during your shift. Friends, friends of friends.

    Dancers - We are looking for dancers, not escorts. You will be an employee here and will be treated as such. You will be expected to do two things. Dance and be outgoing. We ask that you offer to dance with people who are alone here, but nothing more. We have places for you to dance solo. You can dance with anyone you wish or with no one at all. As long as you dance and are friendly, then you are doing your job.

    Now, I would like to take a little time to talk about the general information. So, bare with us. The following will consist of Pay, Notices/events, call outs on shift, no shows on shift, ect.

    Pay - This is rather simple. You are paid based on tips. This is an incentive system. While on shift, whatever you are tipped, you keep 100% of ALL tips you make. The club, owners, no one gets a piece of your money, ONLY YOU! So, with that said, you want more money, bring in more people. This helps you and helps the club. We do ask, no matter what position you take with us, you advertise people to donate to the club as well. There will be a club donation jar, but, whatever is made there is PURELY for the club. The owners and operators make ZERO profit from this.

    Events - We have a staff/event board. We will always take into consideration the times you are available for working. We will make a schedule based around that. Your times will be posted for a week as well as what event you will be hosting/DJing/dancing for. YOU are responsible for checking this board to know your schedule. We will not baby anyone. This is a business. If there is any scheduling conflicts, you can't make it, want more shifts. Let us know and we will be happy to accommodate for those needs.

    Call outs/ No shows - If you are scheduled and you are unable to make it, please let us know. This is so we can find a replacement for you and the floor isn't left empty. We understand sometimes things happen. And real life will always come first. So, if your power goes out, your dog gets ran over, little timmy gets hurt. All things happen and we understand. But, as a busniess, we have to have realiable employees. SO, constantly calling out of a shift will lead to termination. Also, another quick way is simply not show up with no notice. You are scheduled and do not show up and give no word, we will simply take that to mean you are no longer interested in employment with us and will remove you from the staff board and give those slots to someone who wants them.

    Personal IMs - When on duty and working, we ask that you keep personal chat to a minimum. Now, we don't mind if you chat in private with friends or such. However, we ask that you stay focused to the club and it's attendees. We want guests to feel important, so please give them your attention while working. Believe us, people will know when you are ignoring them, and it will affect your tips.

    Relationships - We have no issues if your significant other joins you here at the club while you are working. But, we will not tolerate any petty jealousy and drama from relationships. Should it become a constant problem, we will ask you to tell your other to leave, should that fail and it continue, we will remove them and you from the club. We are all here to have a good time, and that is what we promote. So, no drama with your significant other.

    Staff tags - When you are on duty at the club, you are expected to wear your club staff tag. When you are not on duty, we ask that you merely where the club group tag, so patrons wont confuse you with being on staff. This will elimiate much confusion about who is working and who isn't. And will allow you to enjoy the club in peace without patrons IMing you about things.

    Next, the requirements. Obviously as a business that is located on an adult parcel, we have requirements and rules. So, lets get those listed.

    All members of the staff/group/ect are required to be of atleast 18 years of age. We will not promote to minors and will not permit minors around this organization. All applicants should be able to work on a weekly and regular basis. Sadly, this is an online community. So, you must have a somewhat solid internet connection. You can't keep going offline every 5 minutes all night every night. You must possess good communication skills, possess knowledge of gestures, be reliable and be prepared to be a part of a team and family.

    You will notice we forwent the the requirement about needing to be 30 days minimum or older on SecondLife. This is simple, it's a real pain to have to sit around and wait a month before you can start to find work and make money here. So, we offer employment to anyone, regardless of age here. As long as you meet the above requirements and you look decent. Obviously as a busniess, we can't have you looking like you're fresh out of the gate. So, there must be a certain level of appeal to your look.

    All applicants for staff must fill out a application with just some basic information. As well as be willing to do a face to face interview with us. We are a new club as of right now, but we have much potential and for those who get in on the ground floor with us, will rise with us. We will offer future expansion opportunities, but as with all things, it takes time and effort. We look forward to hearing from you.

    If interested in an application, simply message myself (Daemonbriggss) or Raychill.Spiritweaver and we will be happy to get you one.

  3. Thank you for your interest in Club Thirst. Allow me to tell you a little about ourselves. We are a club that prides itself on good music and a fun environment. We are currently looking to hire DJs and host/ess as well as dancers. The following will be an explaination of what we expect and so forth. Please take the time to read through.

    DJs- We expect you to have a wide range of variety when it comes to music. And while most music at the club will fit a certain genre, there will be nights of themes and such where you might be required to play something a little different. You must be willing to take requests. It is asked that you have a full playlist available for your slotted time, but it never hurts to have a bit more.

    Host/ess- You will have to learn or already know how to send notices out for the club with a landmark attachement. You will need to learn the rules of the club (Everyone is given a notecard at the rule board). You are expected to be fun, outgoing, flirty but not trashy. You will be expected to send out notices of events or just generally try to draw in people during your shift. Friends, friends of friends.

    Dancers - We are looking for dancers, not escorts. You will be an employee here and will be treated as such. You will be expected to do two things. Dance and be outgoing. We ask that you offer to dance with people who are alone here, but nothing more. We have places for you to dance solo. You can dance with anyone you wish or with no one at all. As long as you dance and are friendly, then you are doing your job.

    Now, I would like to take a little time to talk about the general information. So, bare with us. The following will consist of Pay, Notices/events, call outs on shift, no shows on shift, ect.

    Pay - This is rather simple. You are paid based on tips. This is an incentive system. While on shift, whatever you are tipped, you keep 100% of ALL tips you make. The club, owners, no one gets a piece of your money, ONLY YOU! So, with that said, you want more money, bring in more people. This helps you and helps the club. We do ask, no matter what position you take with us, you advertise people to donate to the club as well. There will be a club donation jar, but, whatever is made there is PURELY for the club. The owners and operators make ZERO profit from this.

    Events - We have a staff/event board. We will always take into consideration the times you are available for working. We will make a schedule based around that. Your times will be posted for a week as well as what event you will be hosting/DJing/dancing for. YOU are responsible for checking this board to know your schedule. We will not baby anyone. This is a business. If there is any scheduling conflicts, you can't make it, want more shifts. Let us know and we will be happy to accommodate for those needs.

    Call outs/ No shows - If you are scheduled and you are unable to make it, please let us know. This is so we can find a replacement for you and the floor isn't left empty. We understand sometimes things happen. And real life will always come first. So, if your power goes out, your dog gets ran over, little timmy gets hurt. All things happen and we understand. But, as a busniess, we have to have realiable employees. SO, constantly calling out of a shift will lead to termination. Also, another quick way is simply not show up with no notice. You are scheduled and do not show up and give no word, we will simply take that to mean you are no longer interested in employment with us and will remove you from the staff board and give those slots to someone who wants them.

    Personal IMs - When on duty and working, we ask that you keep personal chat to a minimum. Now, we don't mind if you chat in private with friends or such. However, we ask that you stay focused to the club and it's attendees. We want guests to feel important, so please give them your attention while working. Believe us, people will know when you are ignoring them, and it will affect your tips.

    Relationships - We have no issues if your significant other joins you here at the club while you are working. But, we will not tolerate any petty jealousy and drama from relationships. Should it become a constant problem, we will ask you to tell your other to leave, should that fail and it continue, we will remove them and you from the club. We are all here to have a good time, and that is what we promote. So, no drama with your significant other.

    Staff tags - When you are on duty at the club, you are expected to wear your club staff tag. When you are not on duty, we ask that you merely where the club group tag, so patrons wont confuse you with being on staff. This will elimiate much confusion about who is working and who isn't. And will allow you to enjoy the club in peace without patrons IMing you about things.

    Next, the requirements. Obviously as a business that is located on an adult parcel, we have requirements and rules. So, lets get those listed.

    All members of the staff/group/ect are required to be of atleast 18 years of age. We will not promote to minors and will not permit minors around this organization. All applicants should be able to work on a weekly and regular basis. Sadly, this is an online community. So, you must have a somewhat solid internet connection. You can't keep going offline every 5 minutes all night every night. You must possess good communication skills, possess knowledge of gestures, be reliable and be prepared to be a part of a team and family.

    You will notice we forwent the the requirement about needing to be 30 days minimum or older on SecondLife. This is simple, it's a real pain to have to sit around and wait a month before you can start to find work and make money here. So, we offer employment to anyone, regardless of age here. As long as you meet the above requirements and you look decent. Obviously as a busniess, we can't have you looking like you're fresh out of the gate. So, there must be a certain level of appeal to your look.

    All applicants for staff must fill out a application with just some basic information. As well as be willing to do a face to face interview with us. We are a new club as of right now, but we have much potential and for those who get in on the ground floor with us, will rise with us. We will offer future expansion opportunities, but as with all things, it takes time and effort. We look forward to hearing from you.

    If interested in an application, simply message myself (Daemonbriggss) or Raychill.Spiritweaver and we will be happy to get you one.

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