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Posts posted by charlottethegiantess

  1. Hello!

    I'm looking around to see if there's any nice sized islands up for sale. I wish to buy one that is either close to mainland or navigatable/sailable.

    Ideally either 4092, 8192, 16,384 etc. Please feel free to reach out to me inworld or reply to this post. I'm looking for a fairly sized one to decorate and have a nice home there :) 

  2. 3 hours ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

    You forgot the Cool VL Viewer... 😜

    The current viewers all share the same characteristic: they use a mono-threaded renderer, meaning you basically get limited by the performance of a single CPU core (with the exception of very simple scenes, such as in a skybox, where the CPU will be fast enough to saturate the GPU itself: with the Cool VL Viewer, on a Ryzen 7900X and RTX 3070, I top up at 1500fps in my sky box, at which point the GPU is 100% loaded).

    Also, your GPU is not really a good performer for OpenGL (AMD OpenGL drivers suck rocks), and you'd get +30 to +50% in performances with an equivalent NVIDIA card.

    One thing some viewers can do, is to use more threads while rezzing scenes to fetch, cache and decode meshes and textures faster: with the Cool VL Viewer, you may configure a multi-threaded GL image thread, for example, and it will by default use as many threads as your CPU got (virtual) cores (minus two, reserved for the mono-threaded renderer and the GPU driver threads, when it can and is configured to use threads) to decode textures.

    Ooooo, i'll have to give Cool VL viewer a go as well then. see if i notice any changes then! As for the OpenGL, that performence increase alone is tempting to get a NVIDIA card. Shame that the drivers suck though.

  3. 2 minutes ago, J Canucci said:

    I'm running 

    AMD 5950X

    RTX 3060 

    32 GB of Ram

    similar type systems, but at the end of the day...SL doesnt really give a crap, it's CPU bound, utilizing the fastest CPU core...so core clock speed is key. I know that sounds kind of crap, but, it's what enables SL to be a platform with a wide variety of specs to its user base. Although, I personally would love to see SL move into the here and now, and be able utilize more cores on the CPU. For myself when i go into ultra on Firestorm or Blackdragon, my GPU maxes at 100, with dips into the 90's...but i think i only get a max of 20% or so on the CPU...i dont know if this gives you a new perspective, or not...but food for thought.

    Ahhh so it's only really using one core? that's interesting then. i'm going to assume there's not "brute forcing" it to use more than one core?

  4. Hello!
    So this is more of an experiment or such that i'm wanting to see what the highest graphics settings i can have while having a high frame rate. This is most likely the most asked question on the forums but hey, here we are 🤣

    My GPU is an AMD Radeon RX 6900
    My CPU is a AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12-Core Processor
    My RAM is 32 GB.
    My Download speeds are usually 350+ while upload speeds tend to be 200 during peak hours. These both tend to be higher off peak as well.

    I usually also put the viewers onto an SSD just incase to see if it helps as well.

    I've been jumping between different viewers (Second life Viewer, Firestorm, Black Dragon, Alchemy etc) and they all seem to have wildly different results. Black Dragon seemingly having the better results with 50+ even on it's max settings? While Firestorm poops out 20 frames. though i've noticed a recurring theme. none of the viewers are actually using all of the resources that are avaiable to them? my CPU is often being used 9% of the time, RAM it's 35% of the time and my GPU is only 25%.

    I'm curious if there's any way to force the viewer(s) to use more resources. i don't seem to see any settings in the viewers that allows me other than wacking everything up to max and my PC isn't chugging or anything. it demands more.

    Any advice or such would be appicated! i've been testing performence when visiting the linden newbrooke sims. as since it's all built by linden (except for the interiors and such) i thought it might be a good benchmark to place myself in. I understand that SL is not a "game" so to speak. But it wouldn't hurt to see what can be achieved.


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  5. 4 hours ago, Gavin Hird said:

    I have not checked the Windows version but if you are on a Mac it will stop at 512MB because LL has not been able to figure out how to determine graphics memory on macOS.

    Because Apple has deprecated OpenGL they have also more or less scrubbed all documentation on it, and there are no new documented methods for getting graphics memory from the system.  

    This does of course seem outrageously annoying to developers, but Apple's rationale is not surprising given currently 99% of all new Macs shipped (soon 100%) have Unified Memory meaning the GPU has full access to all system memory which the CPU and GPU can read and write to concurrently. In such a system architecture the traditional definition of graphics memory does not make any sense at all.  It also means there is no bus the data used by the GPU needs to be transferred across, and on some of the newest machines the GPU can read memory at rates of up to 800 GB/s. 

    Apple provides methods to a) determine system memory installed and b) determine if your application runs on a machine with unified memory. If you run on a machine with unified memory they have asked the developer to handle low memory situations and provides mechanisms to signal the application that memory is running low and act accordingly. 

    Currently on the windows version myself, even the performance viewer only goes to 512

  6. 4 hours ago, Beq Janus said:

    The standard viewer has never allowed this limit to be increased, that has only ever been supported in third party viewers. However, as Gavin stated, the forthcoming performance viewer update will address this. You can test the latest pre-release build of that by going to https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer.html and looking for the latest performance viewer.


    Oh! That'll be very handy. I'll give it a download and test it then!


    4 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

    Enable texture compression. That helps.

    I've tried this but it makes a lot of textures blurry?

  7. So i've been fiddling about with grapthic settings on different viewers and i want to use the default viewer due to how everything looks.

    My only issue so far is texture blurryness/thrashing?

    despite searching online on forums and such, the default viewer limits texture memory at 512MB for the 64bit viewer when this should only be for the 32bit viewer?

    I would use other viewers but i don't like how bloated with features and how everything renders differently. I'm just after performence with grapthics having advanced atmosphere/lighting. i'm almost there in achieving the goal, surely there must be "that one box" or setting i've missed?

    Also strangely enough, changing the time of day affects the fps by like 30? Been testing on the newbrook sims 😄


    Anyone got any further tweeks?




  8. Howdy!

    So i've been trying to log into Second Life recently and i keep getting booted out pretty much within a minute of loading. In that period i can easily walk around and send messages but it decides to boot me out. It's saying the Connection ping time is over 600ms. I am using wifi as i don't have ethernet access. I have tried the method of changing the DNS settings to google as well as i saw that in a few posts but that doesn't seem to work.

    It's been happing on both Firestorm and the main SL viewer as well as i thought maybe switching viewers could help?


    Any suggestions?



  9. 18 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

    With your current settings you should get very good frame rates with almost anything. This suggests there is something else wrong with your computer setup. I’d run a malware scan first off, then check the performance monitor in task manager to see if something else is going nuts and eating up your computer’s CPU cycles.

    Things you should not have to do with a reasonably modern computer with a high performance GPU:

    turn off anisotropic filtering or antialiasing, disable transparent water, use a draw distance < 128M.

    You should have streamed VBOs enabled, but disabling it won’t tank your frame rate.

    So did a maleware scan and nothing popped up 🤷‍♀️

    It's also a fairly new computer! Maybe a month or two old now. i've disabled those but still getting like 20 frames in populated areas. 

  10. 13 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Well two things come to mind for sure.  You most likely REALLY don't want to run at the "highest" setting even if you can. The highest setting changes your LODs to LOD3 which is going to be VERY hard on your system in this age of heavy mesh. Most folks I know use LOD2 and if you can't see something at LOD2 you most likely "shouldn't" be buying it :D.  

    You also most likely don't want your draw distance at more than half a sim except when you REALLY need to see far away. Your viewer has to load way too much that way. 


    This is my current settings on a 4 or 5 year old computer


    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3298.09 MHz)
    Memory: 16286 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19042.867)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2


    I am currently getting 90fps on my store sim and around 40 on my "foo foo" tons of clutter house rental sim :D




    PS. I have a new computer coming tomorrow with a 3070 card.  I have no plans on changing my settings :D.


    So i tried doing this but i'm still getting 20 ish frames a second. I tried the Alchemy viewer as well on the same exact settings but it's around 30? I'm honestly quite stummed why it isn't running better. i've got the network speed at 1500 as well.

  11. Hey all!

    So i've been trying to figure out what's making SL run on so little frames. i'm running at 20 on average in pretty much every sim. My specs are, gpu AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, cpu AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12-core processor, 32 Gb ram. I'm using the firestorm viewer 6.3.9

    In theory i should be running SL just fine right? but i'm so stumped on the grapthic settings and what would be the best. Ideally i want to be running the highest settings while being smooth. Any tips/advice?


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