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Cary Mortensen

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Posts posted by Cary Mortensen

  1. Wow, reading the above “answers” makes me wonder how these people can consider themselves helpful at all. Not a single one actually answered the original poster’s question, which was what kinds of prepaid cards people have used that worked.   One of the answers from a Senior Helper essentially said “We can’t change LL’s policy” and another “Advisor” actually told the original poster that she shouldn’t complain!  Really? Don’t complain? That’s your advice? You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

    If you can’t answer THE QUESTION … don’t post, and keep your snarky opinion (like, “don’t complain”) to yourself. You should NEVER advise someone not to complain, unless they live in Russia, Iran, or Saudi Arabia where you get beaten, imprisoned or killed for complaining.

    Now, for an actual ANSWER … I have used VanillaOne cads recently Cynthia, and they worked fine, so maybe it is something with your browser or settings in your account. Did you define the card usage in your account? Also, try using a different browser like Mozilla Firefox, or try buying Lindens in-world instead of the website. Sometimes those tricks will work. Good luck!

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