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Posts posted by Casparsr

  1. I don't know what the hell is happening, it's all started when I hugged a guy and he told me to get off him I tried to but I was lagging af so I couldn't, I re-loged and found a message from him that says "you'll pay for this" and the spam started
    My laptop frozed 3 times, my chat box is being spamed by blank space I can't see anything but blank spaces
    I blocked the object but the spam didn't stop PLEASE HELP THIS IS KILLING ME I CAN'T FIND THE GUY

    Hello, marigold
    Thanks for helping I did what you've told me and there's no lag but the main problem is my chat box, an object that's called dot ((owner is alex1145)) keeps sending blank spaces every single second, I can't read what people type in the local chat box. It's so freaking annoying
    And i'm assuming that the guy I hugged (sadly i can't remember his name) is the one who caused this
    It's been almost 3 days, and I don't play as often as I used to because the local chat is getting me insane
    I'd be so forever thankful and greatful if you help me with this, I really do like SL and i'm addicted i don't want to quit it for this

    Dead Rolig Loon, I blocked the object for like million times, it won't stop and I can't find it in my inventory
    And yes it's spamming me everywhere I go, I tried everything literally everything but the spam won't stop
    I feel like the only solution is to find that guy but it's kinda impossible since I don't know his name
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