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WulfeMom Snowpaw

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Posts posted by WulfeMom Snowpaw

  1. I'm an alt of a seller who has been on SL and the market place for about 8 years. I make all kinds of things, mostly furniture, lawn art and textures. As of this week I have had someone who lists themselves as a texture creator buy almost all of my textures listed on the market place that are full permission. They are not similar, some are clothing textures, window textures, medieval textures,...just all different and would not be used in one project. The only thing similar is that they are all full permission so it set off a big red flag for me. I kind of thought they may be reselling them in a bulk texture package or some other way on the market place or inworld.

    Is there a way to track my textures? I've never had problems before so I'm clueless. I'm using my alt because if this is a legit purchase I'd feel bad if it ever got back to the buyer I'd asked. Has anyone had issues with textures being resold, and if so, how did you resolve it?

    Thanks in advance for any help :)

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