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Parker Panache

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Posts posted by Parker Panache

  1. Thanks for the advice, Madelaine. The thing that's really weird is that we have people who will sometimes post so many paragraphs that it takes three chunks of those 1023 characters to get in all they wrote (I don't go that long, I can't :) But their chat appears in the right order. So in other words


    Them: First 1023 characters

    Them: Second set of characters.

    Them: Third set of characters.


    With me, it appears in this order:

    Me: Second set of characters

    Me: First set of characters.

    Oddly, this has been happening both in Firestorm and Singularity. I had been assuming it was a setting; now thinking I'll do a very clean install and hope it resolves. 

  2. Marigold, thanks so much for the welcome and the reply. I know the situation you describe, but that's not what this is. Let me give you an example:

    19:44]  Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham): empfangen." As he is perched at the very edge of the dock the tears roll along his cheeks and fall to kiss the seawater.
    [19:44]  Peregrine Luigi Pelham (peregrinepelham) does what he often does in times of stress, fix on the words of the operas he has learned and which he associates with happier times. He recites to himself, quietly singing inside his head, "We have through sorrow and joy, gone hand in hand; From our wanderings, let's now rest, in this quiet land." He looks at the casket, the sea beneath it, and his eyes fill with tears. He does not choke or wipe them ..they fall as tribute along his cheeks. The words of the prince, "or set your grief free and let it break from you" move him deeply. He is not himself moved to go to the coffin. He instead stands and quietly sings, very softly, to the ocean, to the ripping waves, to the shades of creatures that appear just enough as shadows on the surface. At the edge of the gathering, whispering so as not to intrude on anyon's thoughts, he quietly sings to the sea foam. "Nun der tag mich mud gemacht, soll mein sehnliches verlangen, reundlich die gestirnte nacht...'" He pauses for a soft breath. ",,,wie ein mudes Kind


    In other words .. it's one long paragraph, and I only hit return once ...

  3. So I engage in paragraph roleplay, and lately this is how my chat has been appearing:

    Parker Panache: paragraph is finished here.

    Parker Panache: Parker begins a long paragraph, and then the

    In other words, if I write enough to fill a first post, the second post with the conclusion of the information appears on top, thus in the wrong order. Does anyone have any idea if this is some sort of setting I have wrong, or what I can do about this? Thanks!

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