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Posts posted by Jojozityjo

  1. i was afraid it'd be impossible. I didnt know alot of the freebie stuff is outdated though, a lot of it looked good, like the clothes and pretty much anything non-furry lol


    so my only alternative is to find a way to earn linden in game.


    thank you all for the help and advice btw, it's to nice to see people so helpful, ill try a lot of this stuff and try to find my around to be able to make some linden in whatever ways i can.

  2. [center]Hihi, Jojo here, I'm new to Second Life and i have to say, it is seriously confusing to get the hang of lol

    but, I'm a furry user and I like to be furry, but im also broke as can be, i cant buy Linden at all really. So I've been trying to find free furry stuff. However almost all the free furry stuff i find is either something that needs modded and ive no idea about how to do modding or any of that, or it gives me this huge mascot helmet looking head even when i edit my avi to have as small a head as possible. The only decent looking one I've found is a bunny one but im not really a bunny kinda girl.


    Now, I've went through freebie galaxy and freebie dungeon, and ive looked through the market, and i just cant find a suitable one, let alone a FERRET one. I'm a ferret, I want a good ferret avatar, and the only ones ive found are some on the market for 900L$.


    I've been trying to find pieces, like on IMVU, i came from there, so ive been trying to look for parts and pieces to throw together a makeshift ferret, but i cant find any suitable heads, found some ears, but id like a good head base the ears for.


    Can anyone help me out? Maybe point me to some furry freebie landmarks i cant find or something?


    I've tried using google btw, it gives me stuff that is like, 10 years old and outdated though, and the in game place search is just all kinds of fail for me x.x

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