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Robi String

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Posts posted by Robi String

  1. Bitte auch hier noch Mitmachen


    Lots of people in SL are facing a big problem in the near future! You might have heard it already: Linden Labs is closing down all Exchanges except for Lindex. This means, that from 1 August 2015, you can only buy your Linden Dollars through Lindex and not through any other Exchanges, like DX, Eldex, Virwox, virtualtex etc anymore. Also Paysafe, iDeal, Ticketsurf, Mister Cash and other cards like this cannot be used anymore from this date.This also goes for buying Linden Dollars by phone.

    The only possibility is to buy your Linden Dollars with Creditcard, Paypal (which is connected to your bank account) and Skrill. All other possibilities will be banned by Linden Labs.

    Please click here and check the article in which Linden Labs announces this.

    Linden Labs says it has many advantages to buy through Lindex, but the fact is, that they will ask you for your RL data, this is something many people in Second Life don’t feel comfortable doing.

    We fear the problems, that will be caused by this, will have a great impact on Second Life and its residents. It will be of influence on shopkeepers, residents, and communities. Many SIM’s will have to close down, events, depending on Exchanges, cannot take place and shops with ATM’s and other possibilities to buy Linden Dollars will have to accept losses.

    We need your help! We call on everyone to protest against these incomprehensible and damaging steps that Linden Labs will take from 1 August 2015! Help us to keep the Exchanges in Second Life!

    Please sign the petition below, so we can collect many signatures from people that protest against Linden Labs and its decision. We will offer these signatures to Linden Labs and we hope we can make a difference!

    You can also call Linden Labs yourselves at this phone number: 0800-664 5510

    Or send them an email: business@lindenlab.com

    Or a fax message: 001-4155-209660

    This is not the first time Linden Labs announces this change. In 2012 they did the same. This caused such a turmoil back then from the SL Community that they did not go through with their plans. So this means we CAN make a change!

    Spread the word about this ridiculous decision of Linden Labs on Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Forums etc. and about this petition. Help us saving the Authorized Reseller Program!

    Thank you all for your attention, your protest and your signature!

    You can sign untill the 13th of july. We hope we can make a difference !



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