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Rosemary Blogger

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Posts posted by Rosemary Blogger

  1. 1 hour ago, Leninah said:

    @Crim I think this is one of the main constructive reasons forums exist, to share experiences, knowledge and information. Your experience of mainland parcels seems very different from mine. I have looked for a long time for mainland parcels that shared the defining characteristics of Linden homes i.e. 1) Reasonably priced (given Linden homes are free to purchase) 2) In a nice environment 3) Not overcrowded 4) Performant If you are finding these and I am not I would ask you where I should be looking? I have been all over the grid and I just don’t see them. If anyone can share some helpful advice on locations, I’d feel this was productive and helpful.


    I have tried keeping an eye on existing development but again I’m probably looking in the wrong area, I’ve been watching this area ‘Protected Land, SSPE94 (167, 10, 40) – Moderate’ for ages and it doesn’t change. A few incomplete roads and nothing else for months. I have heard others say they’ve seen activity, I just can’t find where.



    Oh and no I am not “the type to move into a crowded neigborhood and then complain about how many others there are around” If I were, I’d have already done that and be ‘complaining’ about that not trying to avoid it wouldn’t I? I’m sure SL16B is a bigger issue and there’s probably another thread for that, this one is ‘New Homes, New price’


    @Angie Really? Hourly rate not fixed price? Well maybe that sheds some light on why completion is unpredictable and takes so long! 😉



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