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Posts posted by Synza

  1. Do not worry your little head anymore about it, due to the accusation of wanting people to write it for me, was not the intent but a question as clear as I could be as wanting help to learn to 'edit' a open source script to do as I was wanting it to do in the end not to have it written for me. I did get and Inworld friend to help me write it and teach me what to look for in the LSL script without coming out and saying 'hey write this here ont his line' so Rolig i thank you for the help and this will be the last post that I will do on this so LL can delete it for all I care and Hope that you have a wonderful SL 

  2. 'What I have come up with' was meant as a general term Rolig not in anyway meant to take credit for the lines that you gave me or that someone else wrote I asked simply if that is the line that I was looking at to do as I was wanting it to do. I do not want the script written for me but was asking a simple question if the line I copied, yes that you gave me, was the one to 'look at' the prims contents and hover the count of contents in the text hovering over it. The contents are no copy and no mod so will be similar names things like 'bone' and 'bone chip' among others. I listed the script to see what I had so far and in the hopes that I would get a hint of where to look or as you said to look at the llsettext function.

  3. My question now is will the line float number = (float) llFrand(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT));  put a text over the prim on the remaining items in the prim? I will list the script here as what I have came up with as the next thing that i am looking and trying to do is a inventory count of items inside the prim and will put the total above the prim and count down as each item is rezzed from its inventory. This is not something that I am reselling for L$ but using for a hunting based rp that the items going into the base prim are no copy and no mod but are used for trade.....So if anyone can and will help I would appreciate it greatly as it will help me with rp options for trade. The item is not in world for long only when trading at the time or loading it with inventory.

    (*Edited due to accusation was attempting to steal others Ideas this was not the intent in the least ..)


  4. I am looking for a script that will rez different items on each touch of the base prim. Am not familiar with scripting but will attempt to explain here what it is that I am wanting. The rez script will rez a item of various ones with different names inside the base prims these items each have a script in them and last a few minutes themselves so that is not needed of teh script I am searching for. SO not sure if the line on scripts that have 'object' on theline for the name would work if left blank and that it rezes them about the same level or a little above the base prim.

  5. I use the Firestorm Viewer so not sure if the ability to go to the marketplace is on all viewers or if it is a feature of Firestorm if it is a feature this is something that I would like to see expanded on to automatically log us into the marketplace when we click a merchants link inworld or at least take us to the log in section of the marketplace and then on to the page for the link. Also not even sure that I am posting this in the right section of the forum as could not find a feedback or suggestion section as I looked through the forum links
  6. Ok this was fixed and a simple way and all thanks to a IM that I got to get it straightened out so will put the steps here in case someone has the same issues.

    In Develop Menu default your character with Develop>Avatar>Character Test> male or female

    this will re-rez you as the default old school avatar and you can go piece by piece to see what it is that is causing the issue for me it was the no mod eybrow shaper being the wrong size or just a rush make so using the default one that made it look like I had the default hair coming out behind my ears. What was odd that it was doing this even through a Alpha layer by the way.


    I thank each for the answers though I was just not getting the bald cap answers that my previous searches were returning.


    **Edited:** Did not know that i had free bald bases though and that I did learn thank you for that 

  7. I have searched the forum and even googled for the answer so this is my last resort as can not find the answer that I can use for the moment so will attempt to explain it and be as clear as I can so please forgive me if not clear enough.

    I am recently coming back to SL and had to recreate my avatar and things have changed for me with the new viewers and the like so I am at a loss on removing the 'helmet' hair that is default even with the new mesh avatars. That said I have tried to switch the hair base with many different ones, I lost count after twenty tries, I even re did the attempts logging out and back in to do a 'forced removal' of sorts and still have the default hair showing through. I see references to a 'bald cap' but am finding nothing in a search on the marketplace and not sure there is a 'Freebie Island' anymore. I am using wasabi pills mesh hair and using their hairbase tattoo layer with a wow skins brow shaper to remove the default hair layer that came with my new avatar after creation

    Why in the blazes LL decided to take away the function in edit shape to get rid of the helmet hair is beyond me as I can not fix this now so if anyone happens to know of a way that I can fix this would appreciate it.

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