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Posts posted by PyroSteel

  1. There is kind of a way if you have activated your advanced and developer tools. In the advanced menue, go to performance tools and click "Show draw wieght from avatars"

    Here are my settings. And the red text between the boxes shows the avatars render weight. Good is in the low thousands, normal is in the 20k-40kish (this are hard to find so i don't have an accurate number) and heavy is anything 40k+. Most avatars run between 60k-110k because lots of people use flexies and scripts.


    My problem though, is even in areas with NO avatars, i still see aweful frame rates.


    Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    SOMETHING is hosed in your new machine. A possible problem is most high end gaming machines are tuned to run DirectX while Second Life uses OpenGL. It's possible certain tweaks were done in setup to boost DirectX performance but are counterproductive for OpenGL.

    And "optimizing things for new hardware" isn't going to make any friends with the many SL users who BAWWW if they have trouble running it on their eight-year-old hardware.

     Im only having fps issues in SL. My newest two games are GTA5 and witcher 3. Both of which are maxed out, running at 60 with an occasional dip in the mid 50's. I think your right about the OpenGL part though. I'll have to do some more reserch into that.


    Sassy Romano wrote:


    Unsuited drivers.

    You didn't see 120fps, 100fps or even 80fps everywhere with that GTX670.  Quiet places yes, moderate unlikely and certainly not in heavily dense areas.

    I have a GTX680 and very dense areas when looking at stupidly dense mesh can bring this to single figure fps.

    fps is a very difficult measure in SL in the first place because it varies wildly per scene and unless you're comparing like for like, you just can't say "I get x fps" and compare it to what someone else gets in a different region with a completely different scene.

    Content isn't optimised.

     I have had driver issues with this card, so that is very plausible. And i forgot to mention, those 670's i talked about were the ftw 4gb versions in sli. So it was a bit more than just a normal ol 670. I upgraded to the TitanX because Unreal Engine and Unity weren't utilizing that setup very well and that introduced major issue when Unreal 4 went free and Unity 5 came out. 

    The last region i was in with that sli setup and the rift was the same region i logged into when i got my Titan. I was excited to crank the settings up to at least high in VR, but alas. I cant get the 75fps needed for smooth vr with the Titan, even on the lowest settings.


    Sorry if i came off a bit brash before. Its just a bit upsetting to upgrade your hardware, then take a massive performance hit. It'll just be a while i sappose till i log in again. 

  3. couple things going on here.

    The user created stuff isn't the problem. In a dense population area my vert buff is only hitting 5-7k. <-- this is super low. On a modern game, the main character can be 12-25k verts, while the whole scene can go as high as 2-5 million verts.

    The problem is in the engine. The engine isn't optomized to run on newer hardware. I had an old gtx670 (3 year old card) that would play this game in the oculus rift, between mid-high, and get 80fps. Out of the rift i was seeing fps in the 120 range.
    My current system is an i7-4770k, gtx TitanX 12gb vram, 32gb system ram. Massive upgrade from my old system, so you would expect better fps. However, on the absolute lowest settings im getting about 30fps. If i push the system to anything above mid, my fps drops to about 12-17. 

    So IF it is the user created stuff that is unoptomized and hard to run, explain to me how a 3 year old gtx 670 was getting 100+fps while a brand new TitanX maxes out around the mid 30fps on the lowest settings?

  4. Thats the fps in very low population, not intense areas. Here are some screenshots...

    this is a simple area, low population (4 i think at the time) and im getting 32fps (not in the rift even)




    And here are the ultra settings. Same area. Again, not in the rift. 




    that dip you see in the statistics is from alt+tabbing out of the game and back in.


    I have a beefy machine because i work in Blender with Unreal Engine and Unity ocasionally. I need the horse power. So you can understand my frustration when i was playing Secondlife smooth as butter in the rift between mid-high on my old gtx670 (3 year old card) at 80ish fps. Now with my brand new TitanX, i cant even pull 40fps on the lowest possible settings.


    im just frustrated is all....




    in the rift, on the lowest settings im getting about 20fps in this same area.

    @ Madelaine McMasters

    I understand that during an areas initial loading the game will run slow while the area fetches everything. But the rendercalls and buffers are well bellow normal on my end, and once everything is cached locally they shouldnt be an issue, which means its not the objects, textures or scripts in the area bogging my machine down. Its a poorly optimized engine that appears to not be compatable with the new generation of video cards. Esspecially since my old 670 ran everthing fine with high fps. This LOW fps is only a problem on my new Titan.

  5. I didn't have that problem. But i thought maybe the game was reading my card incorectly and allocating the wrong resources. (An old titan rather than the newer) So i did try that gpu table fix, but to no avail. Even whithout the Rift running, i get about 40fps on high settings and about 12fps on the highest settings. To get a steady 60, i have to drop the game to Medium...

    Its frustrating. This card plays everything on ultra, absolute highest settings available in all the games i'v thrown at it (including witcher3 and Gta5). Its odd that a 12 year old game brings it to its knees begging for mercy. The most advanced thing this game uses is an old style of anisotropic filtering.

  6. i7 4770k

    32gb ram

    TitanX 12gb vram


    everything besides basic shaders are turned off, and everything is as low as possible. This results in 40fps, which is unplayble in the Rift. I've checked the oculus forums and it seems nobody is interested over there, so im trying here. Is anyone able to play this on new gen cards?

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