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Everything posted by Valiryah

  1. Hi KarenMichelle Well, I can say that I feel better now even to all the problems I had when this happened to me, just because I felt so frustrated and sad just to think in lose my "second life",etc. However, you should know that not all the problems are solved, even when you apply for professional help and in this case it was realy uselless and exhausting to contact support because nothing and no one was done to solve the problem... This happened before with other residents and they still didn't know what to do... I think this is incompetence or negligence at least for me because if I have a problem in my company, specially one that happened before I hardly try to present a solution for when it happens again I know what to do. Sure I know that yelling won't solve any problem... I didn't do that. I simply asked for help and I didn't have anyone. What I have was answers telling me that my card should have a problem or I should have put some wrong information again and again although I said that this wasn't the problem.I dont expect any magic Karen...just a solution for the problem. If you dont have one, so look for someone who have it, right? This wasn't happened. Anyway I dont have other alternatives, so if it wasn't fixed I couldn't buy lindens again. If the folks back in the IT department or the credit processing department were working on it, why dont send a message to me and tell me something to wait for some time? Although all the problems that this caused to me, KarenMichelle, I can say again, yes, I feel better now. Thank you. "See I can say cliches too" ( Red - character series of Orange is the New Black")
  2. Hi there I finally managed to buy lindens again. It seems that what happened with Annaka happened with me too... the system fixed by itself. I still doesn't understand how such a thing can happen... I've been trying almost everyday without successfull and then now it simply work. Thanks everybody for listening and if something like this happens to you my advice is don't waste your time looking for the suport or phones in second life... Just wait some time, and will probably fix by itself.
  3. Hi Yes, it has been a very frustrating experience, I can imagine what you felt ... I'm very disapointed because I never imagined that something like this could happen in a wonderful virtual world like second life. However, we must remember that there are real people in a real world working behind the Second Life (Linden Lab)... And these people fail, for negligence or incompetence, whatever, I don't know. The fact is they cannot fix the thing. Maybe someday the same thing that happened with you to happen with me too. Fix by itself ... Thank you for listening.
  4. Hi I've done this many times and didn't work too. I've sent so many messages to suport and they seem don't understand what was happend... Then someone asked me a picture, I sent and it was useless anyway. The suport just told me again and again the same answer and never a real solution. If this already happend in another times it suposed they should know that can be a problem with the website or something in the second life system... But I think its too dificult for them to accept this. It's enough for me. Thanks for listening.
  5. Hello I've tried to contact the phone too (Brazil), it didn't work too, they never answer the phone, so I gave up I do not have much patience for incompetence. Thank you anyway for the advice.
  6. Hello I've been buying lindens for years with my credit card inworld and in the oficial website of second life. Sudenly, with known reason, they stoped to accept my payment. (I've recevied error messages). Then I've contacted the Suport and after so many messages trying to make them to understand the problem, nothing was done. They simple doesn't know what happend and obviously they aren't interested. I've contacted the issuer card too in a way to know if could be a problem with my card and the answer was negative. Everything is ok with my credit card. So, I've tried to buy something with this same card and the same information billing I informed to second life and I've well succeed without any problems. (Which clearly proves that there isn't any problem with my credit card). I'm very disapointed. Sorry for my english, its not my native language and thanks for listening.
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