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Posts posted by DeanMoriarti

  1. Bonsoir à tous !

    Cela fait plus de 12 heures que ma région (homestead) est indisponible. J'ai pourtant contacté l'assistance qui m'a répondu que la région était à nouveau en ligne après la grosse maintenance du mardi et pourtant ... non. Le gérant du terrain est quant à lui hors ligne.

    Quelqu'un a t il déjà eu ce cas de figure ? Que faire ? Y-a-t-il un numéro à appeler pour avoir une asssitance plus rapide ? C'est tout de même assez em** ce n'est pas comme si j'étais là bas gratuitement ...



  2. Alright so I am trying to get my brain activated to swallow all these informations :)


    So I used what Innula wrote. It has no script error message but somehow, it doesn't work. The HUD doesn't respond at all.

  3. I have a script error

    integer listener;integer channel = 666;string msg = "Fire";default{    state_entry()    {        listener = llListen(channel,"","",msg);    }    listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string message) {     if (message == "Fire")     {         //Do whatever "Fire" means     } }
  4. I mean the HUD button when hit does an action but doesn't invoke any menu.

    So if I follow you ...

    In my prim HUD, I should add another script that would listen to the other one.

    In my case when script 1 says "Fire", script 2 activates the HUD ?

    If it is possible (and this is what I am looking for), could you show me how the script would be ?

    Thank you Steph !

  5. I may be confusing because english is not my native language.

    But yes, I want the hud button to respond when it hears a certain message on channel 666

    The touch event is not what I am looking for because I don't want to hit the HUD button 3, but I want it to be activated like it would be touched when it hears the message.

  6. Hello,

    I have found a script that say in local chat a message but I can't find this type of script:

    Put a script in a prim and when on touch it makes u say several sentences for example

    [07:55] Noob Resident: Hello

    [07:55] Noob Resident: How are you

    [07:55] Noob Resident: What are you doing


    Mostly the script makes the object talks and not the avatar himself or when it does, it makes only one sentence at a time.


    Thank you in advance !


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