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SLSupport Linden

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Posts posted by SLSupport Linden

  1. : We're really sorry you feel we let you down. The Governance team gets thousands of Abuse Reports every month, and while we do our best to resolve them, sometimes when we arrive at the region the object is not visible or active. In your case, when we investigated the reports the objects were not there. We reinvestigated today, located and removed the objects, and took the appropriate action. If you should see any lingering objects, or if there is a recurrence, please file a new Abuse Report and let us know. 


    : Not true; we are right here, working on SL every day and night. Governance never sleeps (but we do get cookie breaks).  ;)


    : Oh please don't spam the AR button! One report or twenty, it does not impact how quickly we respond or what we do. Likewise, opening a support case to draw attention to an AR actually means the Governance team has less time to respond to ARs. :/

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