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Posts posted by Madadhalluidh

  1. Hello Adam,


    I would like to make a few comments on this. Number one it sounds like you are just trying to help but I feel like you are going about this the wrong way. You sound like you are out to get people and cause trouble for them. You should be about helping people not getting them into trouble. Yes, there are things that need to be reported but you are not the SL police. Its very sneaky in my opinion to be sending out people to abuse report other people. You will find that once people realize it is you (they will) they will not be happy and people will stop joining you to help other residents. People do NOT take kindly to that kind of thing. The next thing I have to suggest is maybe have someone who nativly speaks English write your post as it is very hard to understand. I am not saying my writing is perfect but this is so hard to understand. To make this venture you will need a lot of people and a much better origizational system then what you have laid out here. How are you goign to find new people? How are you going to be different then the groups who have been in SL for 5 or more years with thousands in their groups. This is not an easy venture and it doesnt seem you have thought this all the way through. 


    Best of luck.

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