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Posts posted by Brittneie

  1. Yes, I am wearing the gun and yes, I am wearing the HUD but its weird. Neither show up in the inventory but the instructions specify that this is normal. It does not require reload. It is a simple gun that you detach at the end of the game. You do not keep it. Its really strange. Maybe I should just look for a different game? But I have tried removing it and re-equiping it and this doesn't work. I literally don't know what else to do. There is no scripting error that could cause this to happen is there? (something simple a noob could figure out?) :3

  2. So I am a noob to Second Life. I haven't even been on here a week. But, I am trying to play a game I found that requires shooting a gun. I go into mouselook mode and I hit the left mouse button (which is what the instructions say to do) and the gun will not fire. The directions say to remove any AO I may be using. Through research, I have learned about animation overrides. I don't think that I am wearing any (at least I don't see any). I removed everything I was wearing just in case and changed into something different and I selected the 'stop animating me' option a few times. I tried to find the name of the game developer to send a message asking for advice but didn't know how to find that information. There wasn't a notecard anywhere in the world. Other people are playing the game but I couldn't get any help from them. I know that the issue is with me though if I am the only one who cannot figure it out. I am using the regular SL viewer. Any ideas what could be wrong? I'd like to think I covered all the bases but is there something I have missed? Thanks for any help!

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