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Posts posted by Karridale

  1. I understand what everyone is saying. I read Splat's post history.


    You, on the other hand, are bringing up a different point. I just felt it was rude people were telling Splat to stop asking things. I thought it was okay to ask questions. Sure, Splat has asked a lot and refuses to use tutorials. But those who don't want to answer just should stop responding. Maybe they will take the hint if there are no responses.

  2. I must not have made myself clear...meant to press enter.


    Splat has a right to ask. I understand how patient everyone has been, but everone has been rude to Splat. Splat was not rude at all. Just because someone doesn't use tutorials doesn't mean you need to attack them. You don't seem patient at all.


    But, as you people are on forums, you will disagree and attack anyone.

  3. Here we go again with people being rude on the forums.


    All this person is doing is using the forums as a way to communicate with people and ask for help. I don't think their intent is to advertise a potential scammer (or whatever you call it). They want to know if they are legitimate with their prices. If you don't know the answer, then don't respond. the unnecessary and rude commentary is inappropriate.


    As for this person asking how to do things, that is what the forums are for. I am sure Splatulated is very aware there are tutorials. Sometimes other people's opinions help as well. Nobody wants to deal with your bad attitude if all they want is an answer. Last time I heard, it's a free country. That applies to the forum as well.

  4. I am starting a business and need some logos and signs made:

    Store logo

    Store name sign (big)

    Signs for rules, explanations, prices, and others


    This will be an ongoing project that may take some time getting set up. Please IM me (Karridale) and we can talk prices.

  5. Thank you, everyone, for the insight. I will take your opinions and suggestions to heart. I do have abusiness plan, but I feel like if I just share it with anyone they could take it as their own. I have come to a crossroads with this idea...

  6. Is there a such thing that can help get businesses started? Or is it just people trusting you will provide the percentage you promise to give?


    I am trying to start a business, and lindens are an issue for me. I need ways to get the money, and I am running out of ideas.

  7. Hey there! I'm Karridale, a very nice, friendly girl. I have recently just joined Second Life officially, (I have been messing around on and off for 2 years) looking for a way to make my days more interesting. I joined to make new friends, explore cool virtual places, and express my passion for writing. I am going to become a blogger for some SL companies. I am also working on a Facebook for my SL avatar. It will have no real-world experiences in them whatsoever; I want my Second Life social media and my first life social media to be completely separate (see what I did there?). 


    I have very high hopes and expectations for this project because I know I am capable of doing what I plan to achieve. However, this will all be very hard to do without lindens. So, I have come here in search of a job! I am looking for something that is:

    Flexible with hours- I am busy until 2:45 pm E.S.T Monday through Friday. My weekends are clear unless told otherwise.

    Clean- I refuse to participate in sexual activities and/or conversations. I am just not comfortable with doing that kind of stuff.

    Social- I love meeting new people! Conversations are what makes life less boring, so let's keep the fun level high, right?

    Roleplay involved- I started this thread with an idea of having a job that is like this. My creativity and imagination flows so much and at very high levels. I am thinking of positions like waitress, receptionist, etc. 

    Business involved- Selling land or clothing is something I want to do in real life as well as SL. I can get very engaged in a customer, helping them find whatever they need and/or want. It's fun helping people regardless, so even if I am the cashier I would love it!

    Not club related- Every time I have been in SL, I have had a job as a host in a club. Based on past experiences, I am in no way interested in working at another club. It's hard to get in hours...tips are hard to get...there's no steady income...


    I am very open-minded to any suggestions you may have. If anyone would like to help or offer me a job, please send a notecard to Karridale. Soon, my Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and blog page links will be posted on my profile page. Thank you so much for being interested in me!


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