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Feelynx Lavender

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Everything posted by Feelynx Lavender

  1. Hey all :) Sitting here bored so i thought i would start a wee discussion based on the topic "Trolls Vs Long Time Players". As we all are aware there are many people who come to SL on a daily bases to escape the daily drabs of RL, you know to destress a little, have a little fun with friends, let our hair down and be ourselfs without being judged,sterotyped or discriminated against for who we are...However this bring's me on to the subject of the drasted troll's *Hey! You There! Yes You! Shut the Troll gate when you come in...Cheers* as those many who come in to SL to Enjoy it and play the game,many more join also who are here for one thing only and thats to be a "Wee **bleep**e". We've all heard the same lines and the same insults..."This games **bleep**"...."This games Pathetic as well as everyone in it*...."Nothing but weirdos, pedo's and the mentally unstable"....and so fore and so forth, i could carry on but my brains freezing up from typing what is said from the many imature person's head. The Question i want to put to all you fellow real players am i the only one who thinks that those who take minutes out of their life just to join an online game only to Troll are the REAL Sad and Pathetic ones?, as they say "we're all sad because we log in most days to play in a fantasy world instead of living the RL* YET they log in frequently just to through insults and be a wee douch bag or a big douche bag. As i say to my friends and family who don't understand SL i tell them all the same thing playing SL is no different to playing WOW,PW or jumping on the Xbox for a round of COD. No matter what game you play or on what console you will always form bonds and friendships with complete strangers from all around the world.. Anyway's going to stop typing now getting carried away LOL and my apologies if ive placed this in the wrong place. Let me know what you feel or think guys and gals..
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