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Lunalia Magic

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Posts posted by Lunalia Magic

  1. So I was given the garlic necklace when I started, was told to wear it and activate it, so I wouldn't get bitten. All well and good, seemed like a good idea there and then, seeign as I JUST started understanding the basics of SL. 

    Well now, after a little while, I wanted to deactivate it. I'm not looking to get bitten yet, but I want the chance at some point. So I took the necklace on again and toutched it, jsut like the instructions told me to. Nothing happened. I tried to right click, left click, take it off and take it on, relogging and eqquipt it, changing location, just about everythign I could think to make it work.. Still nothing happened. 

    After a while struggeling with this, someone told me to delete the necklace, that should reset it. Well, still beign new to this, I found this logical, so I did as told, and deleted the necklace. completely.. still, the protection is active. So now the protection is up and active, and I have no way to deactivate it.

    if anyone could help me solve this issue, I would really really apreciate it, as I would like at least the chance to deactivate this protection were I to want to become a vampire..

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