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Posts posted by TheBadmagic

  1. Scotland here on crappy net, sim crossings drive me mad one day and are noticeably better the next, I chalk it up to SL, you can do the whole classic shape/outfit practically zero scripts thing, one day it will help considerably, the next, not one bit, you will know before you start cause its the same days walking 10 feet causes rubber banding in a dead sim. 

  2. Try em all, I'm still on Slink cause its the most human looking for me, I avoid Asthetic/Athetic, whatever it was called cause I don't find the steroid abuse / roid rage look appealing, Gianni Signature had some pretty weird monkey arms issues with its shoulders on my tests, Belleza looked ok but has sod all clothing support right now. 


    * Names may or may not have been spelled correctly. 

  3. Maybe a silly question but, I'm not finding the information myself.  Does anyone have a link to a simple list of map links for each continent?

    Unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious (quite likely), there is no, "Click here to go to Corsica continent" or, Nautilus or wherever and I'll be dammed if I can work out how to find them blindly on the map.

    I found an old wiki page from 2015 talking about them, if they had links anywhere it was beyond my ability to see it. 

    • Like 2
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  4. 4 minutes ago, arton Rotaru said:

    There is at least this. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Rezzing_Zones#Zindra

    Personally I have made me a script which scans the region I'm in for places where public rezzing is enabled.  There is almost on any region at least one spot where I can rez my vehicles. Sometimes even in someone elses house. :SwingingFriends:

    If not, I TP to the next region and try my luck there. I'll send you my little Rez Zone Finder HUD if you like.

    That would be awesome but, hell, you should stick that on the market, I'd buy it for a reasonable amount.  

  5. Just wondering, my wife and I like to do the exploring thing, sometimes on foot, sometimes TP'ing, horseback etc but also by car/bike.   Started to plan a new roadtrip across Zindra seeing as we haven't done there yet but...  I've walked a lot of roads and, not seeing any rez areas so...?


    Some guy I bumped into showed me a free to use sandbox which was decent but, would have to rez the bike, get on it then edit it like 4 sims away to the road which frankly is a pita.


    Anyone know of any, or how to look out for them on the Tron roads?  Kind of used to the normal streets, hell, a map link maybe? 

  6. Was just curious about the time frame estimates, ordered in the past and always resorted to cancelling the order cause weeks pass and I'm forced to do a regular buy, this time around I went with something more reasonable, a estimate of 10 minutes to fill instead of 10 days or the likes.

    Its only saving a little but, better than nothing. 

    Have I any chance of seeing it filled this time? 

  7. Hope I'm posting this in the right place, esentially I was given a full perm bumper that plays a silly little sound on collision with another avatar, I dont use it much by its become a running joke with my partner and we are both very fond of it, my copy has stopped making the sound, if I give her a copy it works fine on her, I'm silent.

    Its full perm so I can post the script here in hopes anyone could tell me what I may need to correct, if the formatting has changed in the last few months or something but I find this unlikley as I say it works for others and the audio UUID plays fine if used in other sources such as the firestorm UI sounds pane.

    I have tried reserching scripting but I could reeally use sa hand with this.  

    The script as follows:


        collision_start(integer num_detected)
            if(llDetectedType(0) & AGENT)

    Please help an script ingnorant person that is loosing hair over this.

  8. Thank you for the suggestion Ohjiro Watanabe, sorry I should have said, its off, tested already as suggested by my partner at the time, also, sorry for the delay in response, so no way to reply here and read to do it this way instead, I added this to the original post at the top as an edit also.

  9. Update #1:  Thank you for the suggestion Ohjiro Watanabe, sorry I should have said, its off, tested already as suggested by my partner at the time, also, sorry for the delay in responce, saw no way to reply here and read to do it this way instead. 

    Original post below:

    Just to ask, living with someone in game and when they wanted to watch a movie with me it looked like this:


    Figured it was just me so checked Flash and Quicktime were up to date still has the issue, checked other TV's in world and it seems to be all of them I've seen so, really kind of stumped, just asking if anyone has seen this before with a possible solution as, searching for media/tv/red etc didn't reveal much.

    Currently running the following in the system:

    OS: Windows Home Premium 64 bit, fully updated as of last night.

    Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 

    Video Driver: 347.88

    Viewer: Firestorm Release v 4.6.9 (42969)

    Not sure is more is needed, hopefully someone knows if its a simple or common issue, I can live with the red but, would rather fix it if I can. 


  10. I just ask because I'm new to SL, met someone who I spend a lot of time with and sent them a token gift with a message but, while filling it out it took some time to whittle it down to the permitted characters (I think it was 256) and still be legible. 

    They are the one teaching me SL really and the person I would usually ask about something like this but, I guess its not drastically important, I can ask them when I see them but, the email confirmation I received shows the included message to be snipped short and, was kind of wondering as the clipped version ends quite abruptly. 

    It may just be a preview of the text rather than the full content, I have no idea so hoped someone could shed some light on the matter.

    Thanks in advance for any clarification. 

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