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Posts posted by CentecpanhuiaTecuilontiani

  1. I recently went to a place I often go everyday, and i have worn this tag before there and many many many people and mods there have seen it and said nothing about it. However i went there last night and was told by a moderator who doesn't like me (and im pretty sure they have seen ths tag before too), that this tag is inappropriate and not pg rated becasue it would "make people unconfortable," in addition people who have seen this tag 100's of times that i have been there and said nothing about it, now say it is inappropriate (not mods, all other mods said nothing during this conversation, and they have seen this tag before multiple times as well). This mods main argument was that my tag would make people uncomfortable therefore it was not appropriate fr a pg region. My clothing is even more inappropriate that a simple tag, yet nothing was said about that!

    "worshiper of satan might make people uncomfortasble, we try to stay pg here"



    This person is not a land owner, and any mod who kicks or banns someone has to file "paperwork" to explain why they kicked/banned that person I'm assuming to the landowner or who ever. The land rating is M (and im well aware of SL land ratings), but this is the only mod who is the PG nazi, yet when any of her friends come (with "innapropriate" tags, way worse than mine is considered to be) she has no problem NOT pointing out their breaking of her "PG" rule.

    Madelaine McMasters, if I was an atttention monger, then in your opinion, anyone who wears a tag even referencing to their belief system like "Jew of Sl", or "A Hindu" is looking for attention and determined to be a troublemaker. Nor does my tag have any reference to any "violent ideology" or violence of any kind. Or do you think that anyones tag whether Jew, Hindu, Wiccan, Atheist, Muslim, or Chistian who wears an identifying tag becaus there are crazy fanatics who follow this believe system, are just as violtent as their fanatics? 

    Oh, and also I don't "worship" any imaginary being either, but that wouldn't matter to you.


    Beleieve it or not most people get on and join sl because they have more freedom of expression and more leinecy then they do in real life. You may think I am overreacting, but after you've been beaten up and blackmailed for what you believe in, you do get a little upset when people think you're just an insane attention monger. But i know you don't care, I'm just a random voice on the internet, why would you care. Its not you.

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