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Posts posted by CFoxx

  1. Hello all...have the Problem im not good in build things with 3D and have not the program to convert to SL :(


    Had found this here: https://www.blendswap.com/blend/23238

    And i wish to have the Nick Wilde as Avi for me....

    Anyone here can do it for me? Will spend some Linden for...must not do for nothing ;)


    Greetings and thanx for all help \o

    DJ Foxxy (CFoxx Resident)

  2. Hi there :)

    Let me short describe what i search for.

    Think you know live concerts where a Person are on Stage and over or beside the Stage are some Videowalls show a closeup from the Person live.

    Im Seraching for this...think a Camera catch the Person (Dj) and show this as Live Video on one or more screens.


    Anyone an Idea how to build this?


    Thanks for read and help :)

    Greetings CFox (DJ Foxxy)


    P.s. Image below for what i mean^^


  3. Have a Question about a Problem with my Fox avis. Its same by all, no hud for Singing do animate the Jaw/Muzzle.
    Only the Typing in local chat works. See anyone a chance to have a hud do open and close the Jaw/Muzzle at a random way automatic...so like when im writing in Chat? Must not be synchron to Music...only let me start moving and stop it with a button^^

    Please help me if you can.

    Greetings and thanx
    CFoxx Resident (DJ Foxxy)
  4. Have a Question about a Problem with my Fox avis. Its same by all, no hud for Singing do animate the Jaw/Muzzle.
    Only the Typing in local chat works. See anyone a chance to have a hud do open and close the Jaw/Muzzle at a random way automatic...so like when im writing in Chat? Must not be synchron to Music...only let me start moving and stop it with a button^^

    Please help me if you can!

    Greetings and thanx
    CFoxx Resident (DJ Foxxy)
  5. Hello all :)

    Have a Question about a Problem with my Fox avis. Its same by all, no hud for Singing do animate the Jaw/Muzzle.

    Only the Typing in local chat works. See anyone a chance to have a hud do open and close the Jaw/Muzzle at a random way automatic...so like when im writing in Chat? Must not be synchron to Music...only let me start moving and stop it with a button^^


    Please help me if you can :)


    Greetings and thanx

    CFoxx Resident (DJ Foxxy)


    Ps.: Have the singer Hud from Libber...all like hold the microphone and the Body Animations are ok, only the Emote for move the Muzzle/Jaw are not for Furry avis it seems. Think when i have a Script for Furry Avis i can change it in Hud, so i dont need a second Hud...i hope^^

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