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Posts posted by 6b61

  1. I know that it is possible to rent the land. and where these people take the land? why some have the land and others do not? I think it's not fair. but it is not important.
  2. Hey. for many days in a row I and other visitors of no moderator sandbox tortured by arrogant griefers. I tried to report them. but so far no answer. maybe other victims do too or they simply do not care. I wish i could. I tried to fight them back but my attacks did not reach them. I admit I'm not an angel yet. but it is also the fact that they are selling and offering that way their grief hud. Isnt it essentially extortion under threat of violence? how to punish the torturers? how to arrange a ticket? if it helps, and most importantly whether to contact lindenlabs which have enough problems. I'm sure. yet I am afraid that the next time someone report me as one of them in a next fight ... sad. i know i could leave anytime. but just want justice. thanks

    according to your statements - the police are "the same as" the criminals because they also use weapons.
    I want to note that I am not attacking them. I defend myself and other visitors, while LL only protects themselves. Imagine you have a photo shoot, you're doing a scene and then begins the fun of and for idiots....
    it seems to me that youre griefer yourself.

    P.S. or at LL things are so bad that they are already afraid to ban a user? I understand this is a commercial project. but who will protect vaunted TOS? for what and for whom there is a system of report and tickets if it does not work? or it is running so that not even noticeable. sometimes I doubt that there exists at least some order. if the only thing you can do is block the offender and escape. sometimes you need and want to protect yourself and others. griefing becomes commonplace. self-defense becomes punishable. continue to suffer if you like it.
    just in the time of the game, I realized that have to do everything myself.



    (Plastic - "Mirror's Edge: Catalyst" )

  3. Hey. I have a question about bento. Does this update will affect classical avatars? Or I will need to buy special mesh products?

    I tested the Bento animation on classic avatar, which was supposed to act on my hands. And I did not see any difference. Hands were motionless. Just tried Bento animation on Bento SHAPE and there was no action.

    While I did not notice any changes. Of course I use Bento viewer.


  4. Hey. I have a question about bento. Does this update will affect classical avatars? Or I will need to buy special mesh products?

    I tested the Bento animation on classic avatar, which was supposed to act on my hands. And I did not see any difference. Hands were motionless. Just tried Bento animation on Bento SHAPE and there was no action.

    While I did not notice any changes. Of course I use Bento viewer.


  5. .hello! i just need to loop (unlooped) animation yoga_float which is internal animation. to play it as sitting animation or afk busy animation attachment. i tried to upload bvh file downloaded from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Animations but it seems broken cause legs are down not crossed ... maybe theres a script lets to loop ..? it lasts for 6 seconds then it stops/ i want it to play continuously maybe even as a gesture... thanks

    and how the whole script will look like? ;)
  6. how to make the sound louder than usual?

    I have an old boombox, it sounds very loud. heard in a half Sim. I understand this is due to the fact that in each prim is placed slave script that repeats the sounding sample. where can I get this script repeating the sound for normal boombox script?

    // :CATEGORY:Sound
    // :NAME:BoomBox
    // :AUTHOR:Mitz
    // :CREATED:2010-01-10 05:20:56.000
    // :EDITED:2013-09-18 15:38:49
    // :ID:111
    // :NUM:152
    // :REV:1.0
    // :WORLD:Second Life
    // boombox.lsl
    // :CODE:
    //BoomBox by Mitz
    integer counter;
    integer soundCount;
    list songs;
    list NEXT;
        integer i;
        for(i=0;i < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND);i++)
            songs += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, i);
        changed(integer what)
            if (what & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
        on_rez(integer rez)
            counter =0;
            soundCount = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND);
            llListen(-1, "", llGetOwner(), "");
            NEXT = llList2List(songs, 0, 8);
        touch_start(integer fingers)
            if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() )
                llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Songs", NEXT + ["< Prev", "Stop", "Next >"], -1);
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
            if(message != "< Prev" && message != "Stop" && message != "Next >" )
                llLoopSound(message, 1);
                llOwnerSay("Now Playing " + llToUpper(message) );
                    if(message == "< Prev")
                        counter = counter - 9;
                        NEXT = [];
                        NEXT = llList2List(songs, counter , -1);
                        if( llGetListLength(NEXT) > 9)
                            NEXT = llDeleteSubList(NEXT, 9, -1);
                        llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Songs", NEXT + ["< Prev", "Stop", "Next >"], -1);
                if(message == "Stop")

    (could not get a script out of the Boombox. not about normalization and compression of sound loop).

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