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Ambie Helendale

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Posts posted by Ambie Helendale

  1.  Hello to all readers of this post!

    Firstly I would like to thank all of those people who have already joined the group, and made it a better place for all those involved! We are rapidly approaching our 100 member mark, and are planning a HUGE celebration for when that happens!!

    We are so proud of what has been built up already, and want those of you not involved yet there with us!

    In case you were unaware: SL Friendship Network is a group created to help those looking for friends, find them! We have a "clubhouse" open to all memebers. They may set it as their home, or invite friends to hang out, and maybe join up! The chat and clubhouse are kept PG-13, and are safe and free so far from the dramatic, sex crazed people running around. We have Moderators online every day to help keep you feeling safe, happy, and unjudged. Feel free to sign up today!! Either give us a search, or feel free to PM me in game!

    Also, just as an added note...while we don't have a shortage in numbers, we do seem to have a shortage in chatters! Chat is very important to a Social Group, and if you love to chat, we'd love to have you! If chatting isn't your thing, well that's ok too...we have events set on the schedule, and more on the way....Including a HUGE surprise for our members soon!

    Anyway..check us out, and bring a crowd. We are very happy to have you all!

    Ambie Helendale

    Moderator SLFN

    Blog: http://slfriendshipnetwork.blogspot.ca/

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  2. I am right there with you! I returned after a 3 yearish Hiatus, which is how and why I joined SL Friendship Network. I used to be a builder...I can work the mess outta prims lol....Mesh, not so much yet. Willing to learn though lol.

    Join our group if you feel comfortable with that. I am sure you could find a like minded individual or two on there!

    IM me in game and feel free to add me if ya like.

    Ambie Helendale

  3. Feel Free to join a group called the SL Friendship Network! We are all looking for the same thing. :)

    If you have any troubles, PM me in game and I can pop ya an invite!

    Ambie Helendale

    Great luck to you!

    PS....Hey Harrison!! lol

  4. Hey you two! :)

    Feel Free to join a group called the SL Friendship Network! We are all looking for the same thing. :)

    If you have any troubles, PM me in game and I can pop ya an invite!

    Ambie Helendale

    Great luck to you!

  5. Feel Free to join a group called the SL Friendship Network! We are all looking for the same thing. :)

    If you have any troubles, PM me in game and I can pop ya an invite!

    Ambie Helendale

    Great luck to you!

  6. Hello all of you lovely people you!!

    A group has been created to help those of us find new friends, have fun, and just be sociable!

    SL Friendship Network is not the first group of its kind, this is quite obvious. But, we are growing and active. Events of all kinds are being planned as we speak, and we look forward to enjoying these events with you all!

    SL Friendship Network belongs to its members. We do our best to assure that you have a safe place to communicate with others without fear of the unknown, being judged, or feeling alienated. Members are encouraged to chat often, host their own events, and invite anyone they feel would be an asset to our community!

    We have a base location, where members and guests can visit, play games, and relax. Members may rez boxes after a shopping trip, or hunt..as long as they clean up their mess!

    Also, for those of us in SL who either can't afford, do not own, or choose not to have a "Home" location, we offer this option to our Members as well. The only thing that we ask, is that we keep the area sex free, and respect your fellow Group-mates! Flirting is ok, but sex, or overly sexually graphic conversations won't be tolerated in chat, or at the base. That's what IM's are for!  We aren't a dating venue, and if you are lucky enough to find a romantic interest in SL, please have your private time else where :)

    Basically Folks, we are just a well rounded, growing, and fun Group of people, who are looking for others to share our days in Second Life. Feel free to give us a try. We hope to see you in game! This is the join link below, or simply give us a search!


    Ambie Helendale

    SLFN Moderator

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