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Posts posted by VenumusVortex

  1. L shape lot between the SLRR and Route 1 road. Perfect for a passenger transport company.







    6,624 square meters with 1,516 prims for just L$8,000. i orginally paid L$9,111 for the land but need to sell and decrease my land usage tier due to the US to Canadian dollar exchange rate and rl financial issues. I can afford $20 CAD ($15USD) of tier but not $60 CAD ($40 USD) so getting rid of this as soon as possible would be great, thnx.


  2. the privately owned yard in Neumoegen that is standing in the way of warr and slrr has already done the hookup so we can now go from slrr main line to warr throug Hilto's yard. (sorry if i spelled his name wrong), its now basiclly up to the moles to work their magic to finish warr.

  3. Sorry Mr. Neva has said some things that im just reading now that really needs repling to.

    "How many of you in this thread own more than 512 or 4096 of land? Raise your hand."
    I do. 7104 sqm of land in Obscure next to the station with plans to get another 1600 sqm elsewhere for something else nice and useful. I dare you to come over and tell me if my place looks like a hobo camp. And i really mean it, your not banned from my land. I put alot of work and money into my place and im proud of it.

    You said "There is a firm, persistent pushback to "your plans" for MY land." there was NO plans, i simply thought of building a train station at the bend and asked kindly if you were willing to sell the parcel. I clearly didnt know that would put you into this ragefest and taking your anger onto others who didnt do anything to you. And im sorry if 2 little IM about selling land annoyed you. And yes i asked once in Tuliptree too because i wanted to build something nice right at that spot and you only allow residental in that area. But dont worry i got a nice parcel in Obscure now that is RTC and office space for HCI Security, search & rescue & Fire Prevention.

    "Enough room if my land is seized, right. You're just incredible." Theres been no talk about seizing your land except you, theres enough room to go around you to the road. Its called LRT, short for Light Rail Transit. Google it, theres some nice trams being made in rl for LRT lines.

    As for your comment in comment number 4836 "Railroads exist merely to gratify the egos of their builders" that makes me sick to my stomic, Linden's have past away in real life while helping to build the SLRR and you spit on their souls with that comment.

    I dont buy land just to flip it or abandon it, hell the land i had next to hooktip was 512 sqm that i sold for L$512 just to find out the lady who owns hooktip was the one who bought it so i refunded her money because i care more about helping then money. Unlike others, i really could give a rat's (beep) about money, as long as i got enough for a roof over my head, food in my belly and electrisicy and internet for entertainment to past the time then im quite happy. I like to help others because that is the kind of person i am.
    So go ahead, report me, annoy the Lindens enough that they ban me forever, trust me you be doing me a huge favor by freeing up my time so i can spend it more in opensim and save me alot of money. I already had 2 NFS charges in my bank this past month because i have a spending problem because i buy to many L$ so being banned would be a HUGE help to my problem. Oh not only that, least i can then get away from people raging over something so stupid like the WARR line. If your just making yourself look like an (beep) to get a rise out of me, keep going because what you say here does not affect my real life at all.

    Sorry all for this comment but just need to correct some things Mr. Neva has said.

  4. "None of you do a thing about the unmanned vehicles and in fact some of you are guilty of them."
    uh i do do something about some of them, i stop any un-manned trains i see so that the auto return returns the train, as for the actual automatic ones like YavaPods, i think its a good way to get people to explore, i have seen many people use YavaPods on the rails to explore and have met tons of people that way.

    btw this thread is suppose to be for those in support of warr, not downers like you so please, go away. file a report if you want against because i really dont care.
    Infact i could use a good 72 hour ban on my account right now so i can get back to programming on some non-sl projects i been not doing in favor of trying to enjoy SL.

  5. dude theres like plenty of room for 1 track to get to the road next to your parcel and if you really do love trains and are willing to give up, it can be just like afew square meters for the warr to get up to the road and the track can then convert to LRT like i tried to explain to you in IM while you were raging at me as if all of this is my fault.

  6. hey im just very happy to see that some tracks have been laid :) i fully trust magic Mike and his team of very talented moles to finish the whole route and i do understand it wont be finished for awhile since they do have other projects to work on too to keep all of us entertained.

  7. gees whats with the attacks on me from this guy? all i asked is if he was willing to sell 1 parcel, that was it, i then got a refund after this guy kept going on at me about the warr as if its my fault and i just cant deal with people like that.

    All i wanted to do was put a nice train station from the market place at the first turn in grote and this guy loses it on me then bans me from ALL of his parcels, like wtf?

    THEN when i tried to talk to him about the issue he rages some more WHICH i have copy and saved to a notecard for all to see if they want, just IM me.

    But because of Mr. Neva i will be filing a abuse report now against him, his verbal abuse towards me actually makes me want to leave SL again.

    I'm trying to me a better me, a more mature and calm adult and this guy has made me feel like garbage. Like im a worthless human being.

  8. i am witness to that.
    there has been 1 warr parcel that was sold in Juanita but there is enough room to the east side of that parcel to run one track through to the road so it be like it is in plusia, track in a road aka light rail, same idea can be used in Andraca as well where some of warr are blocked by resident owned parcels.

    other then that i am so excited to see warr being rebuilt :) ty so much micheal linden for rebuilding history

  9. I met alot of people who were willing to help with the rebuild in any way possible and they said this to the linden so seeing this one section be auctioned off does hurt alot however i hope they do still rebuild WARR by just rerouting it to somewhere else.

  10. Was flying along the old WARR line (Linden Right of Way) and found part of it up for auction. Guess that means that LL and LDPW rather sell the land than to rebuild the old railroad line. Today is a very sad day. Let us now just remember when the WARR did exist.

    no more warr.png

  11. heres a pic of my idea on how to reroute WARR since part of the line is cut off due to parcel selling.

    WARR reroute idea

    i know that warr use to be all on bridges but that was years ago, think its time for something different.

    also was thinking of continuing warr at Elpenor to yucca as a light rail line, thats tracks in  the road for those who dont know about LRT. Seems like alot of real life cities are getting LRT lines now so why not SL? (sorry to propose more work for the moles, hugs.)

  12. yup. the [XP] Diesel Passenger Train. i figured since i was bored i would test that sim with that train, rezzed it at the rez zone just north of the sim you say only holds 98 prims, grabbed some speed down that little hill into that sim going at Speed: 9 and even though the double sim crossing was abit rough i still go through it with no problems.

  13. i've had no problems with that double sim crossing, of course i put the deisel to i think 9 so i can zoom through it.
    As for your new venture idea, im on board (mind the pun) for it, as i said i got a diesel myself as well as a phenom 100 and E-170 ;)

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