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HarleeQuinn Emerald

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Posts posted by HarleeQuinn Emerald

  1. Soxley,


    I remember the massive ban and I am glad you mentioned it, even if this post is old. I was just browsing forums today, as I'm considering returning to SL after a year long break.


    At first, I thought it was only Bloodline players getting banned because an SL ex and several friends were caught up in long suspensions, resulting in perma bans for a few. Many had their accounts suspended up to two months before release/perma ban. It was 2010/2011, correct? It wasn't just limited to Woodbury, it was all over.


    Copybotting used to result in a perma ban automatically years ago. Alts linked to those accounts were also suspended. Long story I will not get into now, but not regarding me personally.


    Anyhoo, reporting/banning is rare these days, it seems. And I do agree to an extent that it should be a very, very serious offense for perma bans. Of course users of SL forget that we own nothing, LL owns it all, which I respect their TOS. Gotta have rules for a reason, right?

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