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LovedWarrior Imako

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Posts posted by LovedWarrior Imako

  1. No, like secondlife is agni grid, and secondlife beta grid is aditi grid. we log in to aditi grid to test our mesh products to see if they work and stuff. They give u like 60 thousand free lindens so u can upload stuff to test. but it is a test grid there is no one there. and the lindens are not real just to test ur uploads. 

    I don't think you went there tho i think the problem with you is that your marketplace account and your secondlife login can not communicate. But i don't know how to solve this problem. maybe try loggin in your market place first then log in to secondlife see it works. I really think your sl and market place are not communicating. I just don't know how to solve it. 

  2. ok that's weird. I do not know. When it happens to me I log off and on and it works. 

    Is it possible you logged in to another grid and the browser and the sl client can not communicate with each other?

    I logged in to aditi grid yesterday but my brower could never log in my aditi grid account so I could not send anything to marketplace. I was trying to test the new thing about selling things from directly my inventory but didn't work because the 2 accounts did not connect.

    I am not sure if I explained well.  


  3. Hi all,


    Tari, thank you very much. I read your post and will read a it a few times more. I appreciate all the effort and the time you took to answer me. I want to make sure I understand all that you are telling me.

    I opened this subject in the Builders Brewery group yesterday.  From all your answers here and the chat there, I learned new things. Thank you all.

    I now understand what full perm means defferent things to people with different views. Some builders said they make their cheap stuff full perm and never worry about what happens to it and that made me think.

    My understanding of full perm was completely different due to my background in other 3d worlds. My understanding was I make more than awesome products than my copy and modify ones because i am selling it to other awesome builders who make awesome stuff so they buy mine and add it to theirs and sell better and I earn more this way because I make them more expensive than my copy and modify stuff, moreover, I still keep the ownership. However I see this isnt the trend here and in fact, this will cause a big problem to my already existing products. It seems full perm means I make a few nice things and basially give it to other people for whatever they might used them.

    Interesting, one person in the group mentioned that " full term" title confuses people and allows different meanings to different people. Some people call theirs " builders' kit." That also made me understand more. I might make a few flower heads, stalks, and leaves and make them cheap and sell them as full perm.

    However, I will not make my flowers full perm from what I learned above. So, I thank you all for the help.





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