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Posts posted by CatMao

  1. So there is an interesting and bizarre thing happened to me:

    Around half hour ago, I was using Firestorm Viewer (was creating a script for the HUD), suddently everything starts lag... My first tough was laggy sim, so I tried to move in sandbox sim. But Firestrom viewer stuck me in on spot and not teleported. When Im cancelled teleport request (around in 5 seconds) I was teleported at new location but stuck in the middle of air - no land (sim) was seen, just water and sky.

    From that point all problems begin, I turned off my viewer and tried to log in back, but was stuck at "Loging in.." message screen for ages... Cleaned cache (as suggested in wiki) but still no luck, however problem touched not just grind but SL official web page itself too. On SL webpage I could not to load marketplace, nor other SL's indexed web pages but this forum... With ages taking loading indicator or via "Secure Connection Failed" message (Like 404) on marketplace and second life main (board) page.

    My tough was that I got banned or blocked because other web pages and services loading quickly and fine (Youtube, Google, IMVU) and software Skype was functioned normally. So, I connected my phone to mobile network and hosted its Wi-Fi Hot-Spot, letting my laptop to access mobile internet via Hot-Spot Wi-Fi mobile software. Now I can load all (any) SL page and get on the grid...

    After a little switched back to my Inter provider's modem and now everything seems to be just fine... The though bothering me, if something screw up in provider's network - shouldn’t all web pages and services to lost connection? So why just SL's service was "disconnected"? And what was all about, or time to change my internet provider?

    Ty, for reading my dilemma. :catfrustrated:

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