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Posts posted by Paskalomatunturi

  1. Hi.. I am still rather new to SL, but am catching on fast. I have recently partnered up and want a bigger place. I would like to update my tier to accommodate our needs. I am thinking about an extra 5-8 USD per/month for 1,024m, plus I believe with my premium account that would total 1536m of land. This is why I am here. I need help with this. It's a bit overwhelming for a noob. I would like to put a small castle on this property. You know, a man, his woman, and his castle?? :) Anyways, I just like how they look. I need suggestions on prices of land. I would love a water view. Surely that isn't too much to ask in SL. I also want suggests on what type of structure (castle) would fit such a parcel. I would think about living with 1024m total, which is probably lots of space for two, but if it's only $3 more for another 512m why not? I really need some help. Thanks in advance!! Levitt
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