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Posts posted by Eravo

  1. I guess I will spend the first month just wondering around and getting to know the basics before taking the classes. As stated here in this thread most seem to want people up to a specific age before taking them on, fair I guess.

    Thanks for all the other advice, should be enough to occupy my time with until I get the hang of things.

  2. Hello everyone!

    I have always wanted to try out Second Life but due to a slow laptop I couldn't. However now that I built a new gaming pc I and logged into second life I have hit so many walls... it's quite frustrating.

    Well on my second day I have already realised this isn't really a 'game' and so I have a couple questions I would like to ask.

    1) What the hell do I do? As someone who has been online for a couple of hours, what can I do other than get some free stuff for my avatar.

    2) Is it hard to find a job and get hired being a newcomer? Also what kind of jobs are there to get, I am a male btw. I ask this already because within the first 15 minutes of playing I realised I need money. :matte-motes-frown:

    3) How hard is to script in Second Life? Do I need any programming expereince and if so in what language? At the moment I am learning python before I start C++ and it would be very cool if I can do some scripting ingame since I want to be a game developer.

    4) How hard is it to learn how do design things in Second Life? This is coming from someone with no graphics or animation experience. Do you recommend I learn outside of Second Life first?

    5) I find it quite hard to meet people specially when most of the social people you meet are already in conversations and it feels weird just jumping in. Are there any groups or areas where I can meet people? Also do most people prefere to use a mic or type ingame? I have met one person who offered to help me which was great but for future references any tips will be great.

    That's all I can think of for now, sorry for the long post and I appreaciate the help!


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