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Posts posted by KyomaraRassan

  1. Thanks for the link, although I'm still a bit confused.


    Which mesh needs to be at least 0.5 m thick...the actual mesh wall you want to see or the physics mesh you're uploading with it? If I still want thin walls can I keep the thickness of the mesh and resize the physics mesh to be more than 0.5m, since it's invisbl anyway...before uploading?


    If I link say 4 walls together in blender that are all say 0.2m thick but overall make a structure that is 10x10m...will that solve the problem? Or will I just end up with one giant box around the whole structure? Do any of the walls, physics or actual mesh need to have enclosed walls or will 2 planes on opposite sides suffice?


    I know that was a bunch of questions but thanks for the help


    Also I did not know about the beta grid. How do I use that?

  2. I've been reading through the forums to try to understand how to create a simple doorway in blender and upload it into SL so you can walk through the mesh. I've tried a dozen different combinations based on the recomendations here in the forums and i'm still at a loss.

    I created this wall as part of a larger building...have uploaded the whole building that i couldn't get into and then started uploading it piece by piece I've used the uploader to calculate and analyze the physic and i've tried creating physics meshes and uploading them from the file on different uploads. I've changed the mesh from convex hulls to prim...and still can't walk through it.


    It's a super simple wall...basically just two planes back and front.  I created a single plane going around the doorway and window to use as the physics mesh. You can see in the picture (with the physics shapes and bounding boxes turned on) That the window and doorframe aren't being blocked...but i think the bounding box cuts across the doorway (see the two light green lines at the bottom of the doorway).But how do you then change the bounding box? Is there some trick to creating the planes with the doorways? do i need to use boxes with faces on all sides?  When i uploaded it..i just chose to upload the physics mesh and didn't use Analyze or simplify.  I hope that's enough info to help me get some answers.  I've been tearing my hair out and spending a ton of lindens constantly trying different uploads over it. ANy help would be greatly appreciated.



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