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Posts posted by coronakrafties

  1. I am reading about this a bit after the fact so I hope this does not go overlooked. I am going with the thought to never assume anything, but with Linden Labs trying to cut the number of http traffic, one thing that would be huge both from a monetary and a stability standpoint is to do away with the current separate language system for the customers page.

    Under the assumption that if the whole marketplace system is managed within the viewer, then the user will have thier own viewer set to thier own language which would solve that problem once and for all.

    The problem we currently have is that in order for us to sell or list an item in another users language we have to translate it and post it separately within each listing. Not only is this an amazing waste of energy and effort, this is something that should be automatic and has been broken for years.

    That and being able to properly post live url links on each item page as well as the ability to add social media add / join buttons should also be a priority to this update to the system. This would also help alliviate group post traffic for promotions and advertising.

    If I refer correctly to an office hours session in 2011 it seems to me that one of the goals was to return property groups back to property control only and stop using them for advertising spam and we know that the current limit is now 250 active users that actually see a post if they are not running spam filters (no matter how many are actually in a group or online), but you haven't offered proper useable alternatives to the system and contact lists are not an option.

    The marketplace system as a whole needs to be brought up to the standards of today's user, which would also partly explain the continuing drop in registered and daily users. People are tired of things never working or keeping up with modern trends.

    So many things are broken in here and have been for so long and I cannot understand that considering the amount of commissions you charge us for sales that this would not have been fixed years ago. It's your money too. Instead of charging your users more for membership and tier, you are losing money by not repairing current issues and seeing the larger picture and staying with current web trends.

    The real irony of all this is that a lot of the problems we have in this system are working and fixed in other virtual worlds using your own LSL code.

    I could go on and on about things we really need in here that are years behind on implementation but most of us know these things already.

    I certainly hope you finally get it right this time. And by the way, I am not a new user, I have been in this system for over 8 years watching the lack of change.

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