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DragonfyreGames SLSGO

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Posts posted by DragonfyreGames SLSGO

  1. It's worth noting since the deploy this week, a lot of skill gaming objects that rely heavily on the web have been having all sorts of issues, mainly around HTTP requests never getting any responses (including 499s) or unexpected responses.  While a lot of this seemed to clear up after a second restart, there are still periodically some issues occuring post-restart. I know one object that sends an llHTTPRequest out, and awaits a response, but never ever gets one (including a 499) and indefinately hangs there waiting.  Are there any other reports of HTTP strangeness after this release?

  2. Heya Frog, I'm sorry to hear that FL will be departing.  You guys created some really amazing games, very high quality, and very well done overall.  The skill game creation community has lost a huge asset by losing you, and it's really sad that it's as a result of such a misguided policy that seems to be changing daily based on the direction the wind is blowing.  I wonder if LL is going to apply their skill game approval process as a skill game in and of itself? :)

    Anyway, I'm pretty sure several people will be upset to hear how this turns out but hey, need to take care of your lady, and your baby first. No need to deal with undue stress so I think in our hearts we ultimately support you.  Thank you (and you too Derby!) for your constant support throughout the last few years, and the fun and excitement you've brought to many in Second Life. And thanks to your wife too, as I know she's probably been a pillar to help you get through this time too.

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