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Posts posted by fly1ngcupcak3s

  1. im after a script for a multiple sound walker i know it is possible because i have a walker that has more than one sound in it but it wont allow me to access the script

  2. we are currently looking for hosts and dj's who will be interested to working at The Dolphin Pod.

    you have to be reliable, dedicated and detemind if interested go to the club and get an application. for dj applications pass to harley wolf (harleyturehaert) and host applications pass to cupcake wolf (zelda4real). we will get back to you if suitable

    please note: due to life circumstances the owner of the club stephin t.dino-phin (warcheeso) is not readly available

    you can get a application from the landmark below its near the entrance in the club


  3. we are currently looking for hosts and dj's who will be interested to working at The Dolphin Pod.

    you have to be reliable, dedicated and detemind if interested go to the club and get an application. for dj applications pass to harley wolf (harleyturehaert) and host applications pass to cupcake wolf (zelda4real). we will get back to you if suitable

    please note: due to life circumstances the owner of the club stephin t.dino-phin (warcheeso) is not readly available

    you can get a application from the landmark below its near the entrance in the club


  4. we are currently looking for hosts and dj's who will be interested to working at The Dolphin Pod.

    you have to be reliable, dedicated and detemind if interested go to the club and get an application. for dj applications pass to harley wolf (harleyturehaert) and host applications pass to cupcake wolf (zelda4real). we will get back to you if suitable

    please note: due to life circumstances the owner of the club stephin t.dino-phin (warcheeso) is not readly available

    you can get a application from the landmark below its near the entrance in the club


  5. we are currently looking for hosts and dj's who will be interested to working at The Dolphin Pod.

    you have to be reliable, dedicated and detemind if interested go to the club and get an application. for dj applications pass to harley wolf (harleyturehaert) and host applications pass to cupcake wolf (zelda4real). we will get back to you if suitable

    please note: due to life circumstances the owner of the club stephin t.dino-phin (warcheeso) is not readly available


  6. we are currently looking for hosts and dj's who will be interested to working at The Dolphin Pod.

    you have to be reliable, dedicated and detemind if interested go to the club and get an application. for dj applications pass to harley wolf (harleyturehaert) and host applications pass to cupcake wolf (zelda4real). we will get back to you if suitable

    please note: due to life circumstances the owner of the club stephin t.dino-phin (warcheeso) is not readly available


  7. im wondering if someone can make me a Princess Zelda Avatar the Twilght Princess model hair, clothes i will give you lindens for it of course. i tried to make one but have failed countless times if you can help please give me a price of the lindens but also message me


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