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Posts posted by mrbwentsoftonme

  1. Whoa seems to be whole lot of confliction here. All I know is I turned to you and other SL residents for help. You and others were really arrogant like your posts here making me feel like an idiot; instead of giving me a workable answer. I am a noobie to SL but I know I hated windows 8/1 and wanted to try linux. I saw this roleplay guy's posts and decided to check it all out. In college I was taught to trust but verify, so that is what I did. I found out it is true IBM HP and Dell are selling pcs with this ubuntu 14.04 on them. Jean if it is junk why are they supporting it? I am a NetFlix user and check out youtube often so I checked into what the roleplayer said about google chrome. It too is all true. Freaked me out to see amazon supports it too. For a junk operating system seems many big companies are now supporting it. Ubuntu is Linux? I noticed if I type a SL search under linux it pulls up. If I do a net search under linux it shows up too. I decided to approach john in sl for windows and ubuntu help. Unlike you he was polite and answered all my questions lol there were many. I trust but verify and I found out this roleplayer dude really knows what he is talking about whether it be windows or linux. I dumped windows 8/1 and switched to this ubuntu 14.04 and everything this dude roleplayer shared with me works. Who cares how long you been in sl. You sound like a school yard bully exposed for what you really are.

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