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Ethereal Thistle

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Posts posted by Ethereal Thistle

  1. On 10/13/2023 at 5:48 PM, Rowan Amore said:

    It's especially helpful with makeup.  I want a numbered picture that corresponds to the weird color names you've chosen.  I don't know what sunset or sundown looks like to you but 1,2,3 next to that description that matches the included picture is preferred.

    I honestly didn't even think about this aspect of product images haha. I totally agree and have needed this many times!

  2. On 10/3/2023 at 8:18 AM, Extrude Ragu said:

    I have an issue with OP's statement.

    OP frames what she wants as a standard expected part of a marketplace purchase that creators opt out of. I don't think that it is a fair statement. There is nothing to indicate to a new and budding creator that including a product image with the bundled product is expected of them. The only way a creator might come to learn of this practice is word of mouth or if the creator happens to think of it themselves.

    Hello, and thank you for your reply, however:

    I didn't frame it as anything regarding the marketplace at all, or even use the word marketplace, except to actually disclude creators who are marketplace only, as there is no reason why would have uploaded an image to the grid. I posted my personal reason for why I like having product images included with purchases, and asked as a followup why creators don't do this. Also,  I didn't say anything about something should be expected of anyone. I don't think it's a fair statement to 'frame' my entire post on something I didn't even say or imply.

    On 10/3/2023 at 9:31 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

    Because, it is not necessary. It is extra work. It will clutter up inventory of people who don't want or need it. A viewer that can use inventory images was only released a week ago. It is not expected of any merchants. It is not standard practice. 

    I covered all of this in my original post. Thank you for your reply though!

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 9/27/2023 at 3:55 PM, nieru said:

    For me at least, it's because creating the promo image is the very last step of my process. Usually I'm creating for an event and working against a deadline, so I want to make sure all of the important parts are working first; which means the items are already packed, vendors setup and tested. Then I can use whatever time I have left to make the promo image as nice, or as quickly as I need to. And honestly, even if I have time left, the last thing I want to do is repackage everything/update the vendors/test once again. You make a good point, however! I also like to see the preview image. Would putting the promo image into the demo be a decent compromise? I don't package those (because I find it terribly annoying as a customer), so it wouldn't be any trouble.

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    I can understand from the way you have laid out your process how this could be an issue. I assume it is probably similar for other creators, and as a non-creator I wouldn't have thought about it from this perspective. Thank you for the insight!

    To address your question, I think it would be a decent compromise, but trying to figure out what creators do this and those that do not, might be a compromise that never gets used unless you know about it. If it was something of standard practice for all/the majority of creators, I could totally see this being a very simple solution though, and one that might be less annoying for creators to deal with.

    Off topic, and yes it is terribly annoying having to unpack demos! LOL

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  4. I find it extremely handy to have product images included with purchases. I know a lot of creators do include them (or some include them sometimes, but not all the time), but it seems like a lot do not chose to do this.

    Is there any reason in particular why creators would not include product images with their products? I pretty much NEED them or I'll forget what something even is, even with my organized inventory. I find it much easier to open a texture that has the product already instead of having to attach the item, wait for it to rez, possibly remove items I already have attached because the new item conflicts, etc.

    Thankfully I have premium plus and enough time on my hands to check out creator's flickr accounts and download/upload the product images, so it's 'free' for me. However, 99.9% of the time (unless the creator is MP only), those images are already uploaded to the grid for ads and product displays. Not to mention when a creator doesn't use Flickr, or doesn't have an easily searchable description, or they use other places that are harder to search (facebook, instagram, or other things that require you to log in or create an account). I'll have to create my own image, which just isn't the same for me (subjectively).

    I find the product images sometimes give me ideas for outfits, or how to use a product differently than I might have without them, or really any number of reasons besides those. I understand some people will just delete all the random stuff (unpacker scripts, product images, mesh for bodies they don't use, LMs, etc), but that's a lot easier than someone else having to recreate those things themselves.

    Anyone else like having product images and wish it was more of a 'standard' thing? As I said, the image is usually already uploaded so including it with a purchase costs nothing as far as I understand.

    • Like 9
  5. 36 minutes ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

    Sooo here the 23rd is over since 5 minutes ago...means it's like 8am where the little moles and Lindenmunchkins live...I just want to give dem my money XD I really hope you can instantly upgrade and don't need to wait until the next billing because mine just happened like 3 days ago 😆

    They mentioned that you will be able to upgrade with a proration right away.

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    No no no... the size of your inventory, groups, or friends list has nothing to do with region crossing.

    The Lindens have described in various user group meetings what has to happen in a region crossing several times. Transferring your inventory, groups, and friends list is not part of it. Only what your avatar is wearing has an effect. Read any of the posts or tutorial about improving region crossings and you'll see there is no mention of inventory, groups, or friends list. Only what your avatar is wearing or attached to and the number of scripts you have running.

    Your inventory in-viewer is a list that is downloaded at login. One of the things that indicates this is the flat inventory problem that keeps people from logging in. The problem comes from a combination of the quality of your connection to SL and the number of items in an inventory folder. An average connection will only start to see the problem when there are ~5,000 items or more in a folder. The folder download times out and things go sideways.

    Your inventory is a list of pointers (UUIDs). The actual thing pointed to is kept  in the asset database until you rez the item. If you had to download everything in your inventory it would take an hour or more just to login.

    The Lindens made a very efficient plan for what data has to be downloaded. When SL started data transfer was way more restrictive. So the Linens put lots of effort into reducing the amount of data that has to be transferred.

    Consider those people that have two or three hundred thousand items in inventory. OR consider timing your region crossings with your present inventory, groups, and friends list. Then switch to an alt with minimum inventory, groups, and friends lists. See if there is any difference in the time needed to complete a crossing.

    Groups and friends lists are similar. The only time a server needs to know about those is when you are  using one of those connections.

    Read the above answer... Your inventory is never attached to the avatar. It is a list of pointers to your stuff in the asset database.

    This segment here (which I've linked the timecode for, but it starts at 1:04:05) would suggest otherwise? Probably why people are saying these things.

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