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Posts posted by ZFWilliam

  1. ok i know im probaly jumping to conclusions but while i was on SL today  im starting to think the Grid Blog is kinda outdated  since there was


    No Lag

    things rezzed nice and smotly

    My whole inventory is avalible

    and my Present i payed for so my Parter had a new outfit Arived  not to long ago


    i know this is just me but think about it no problems and everthing loading smothly  it kinda makes this furry raise an eye brow  at the matiamnce listed in the blog  hmmmmmmm

  2. Ok be truthful with this furry Resident of Second Life is the matimance Done or not  cause im growing tired of Checking the grid blog only to see so much un resolved  matimance its just sad


    reason why im growing tired  the Lag for one  Sim quakes ( reagion Restarts ) frequently happening  and the fact i can't buy my Partner a Outfit from the markect place is just to add icing to the problem 


    Look Linden Labs i am very supportive of this  programe but if you can't get your act together and resolve these  updates  im not going to be a happy Furry and lots of my Friends as well since Second Life IS MY LIFE

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