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Posts posted by KentaNakamura

  1. Hello first i would like to thank you for your time to read this.



    My problem is that i was on second life earlier today and it said there was an update to install which i accepted and i have regretted ever since. The most recent update has made it impossible to play the game all i get are crash logs and the log in screen doesnt load, now ive tried to install the version below the current one and changing my preferences to installing updates myself manually and it still forced it apon me. i would like to know is there going to be a fix for this or not? i just purchased some stuff from the market place which i really wanted to mess around with and now i cannot because of the silly update. my laptop has never had a big problem like this before it is a windows vista and it runs secondlife just fine up until now.


    Please dont send me the system requirements because i know my laptop can run the program because this seems to be a common thing on forum posts.


    Please get back to me as soon as possible and i appologise if i come off as rude its just ive spent the last 2-3 hours trying to fix it -_-


    I would like to add i always run it as administrator my antivirus is not stopping it i really have tried everything even removing/deleting the cashe from local and roaming files

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