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Posts posted by GraceKzer

  1. Second Life 3.7.19 (295700) Oct 20 2014 13:37:20 (Second Life Release)
    Release Notes

    You are at 91.7, 76.9, 9.6 in Learning Island 4 located at sim10255.agni.lindenlab.com (
    SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Learning%20Island%204/92/77/10
    (global coordinates 260,700.0, 268,621.0, 9.6)
    Second Life Server

    CPU: AMD E1-2500 APU with Radeon HD Graphics (1397.36 MHz)
    Memory: 3518 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit (Build 9600)
    Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
    Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 8240

    Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1254
    OpenGL Version: 4.2.12682 Compatibility Profile Context 13.301.1001.1001

    libcurl Version: libcurl/7.38.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
    Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
    Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0009.20030

    Built with MSVC version 1600
    Packets Lost: 0/1,259 (0.0%)

  2. Sassy Romano wrote:

    What is your graphics card, which viewer are you using?

    The viewer I am using is the one that was downloaded this morning when I joined Second Life- so standard Second Life viewer, I assume.

    The graphics card is whatever came with my computer, an HP Pavilion tower. I will try to find out, but I will not be buying and changing cards just for Second Life.



  3. I joined Second Life this morning. When I logged in the avatars (including mine) appeared partially. The heads were OK but the bodies were partial, with streaks to the lower part of the screen.


    Is there anything I am doing wrong? Is there any way I can fix it?




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