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Posts posted by Caiym

  1. I have seen lots of mentions of ways to fix this error. What if an item creator has his items scripts set to no-modify. Is there a way I can script something to intercept his and fix it without actualy having acess to his script to fix it? Or any way to make a list of names, and shorten them somehow? Any help is appriciated, I haven't heard back from the item creators yet about this problem.

  2. Thank you for bearing with my noob self. But that line isn't the problem in this case, since with the animation toggled on, they are still visible on the ground. The script to make them not visible does not work if the animation is on. It only works if the animation is off.


    If animation is toggled off, I have nothing on the ground as I want, and now nothing in the air either, with the make visible line taken out.


    With animation toggled on I have normal flapping wings both in and out of the air regardless, with the make visible line in or out..

    The animation script is no modify so I can't see what it's doing.

  3. Ok I got it working, thank you so much. Tiny issue still in terms of animated wings. I think its a script conflict that just wont work with the ones I'm using.

    On the ground they are invisible if I disable the flapping animation, but in the air I get like 4 sets of wings, (each part of the flapping animation) visible all at the same time.

    If I enable the flapping animation they are visible flapping flying and not flying.

    I think I just need a different pair of wings, but will this script work on other animated ones?

  4. I am an utter scripting noob, but found this http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/15/89/26143/1.html

    It seems that the problem i'm running into is that SL code was changed a couple of years back, as I was told.


    Does anyone know of a version of that which would work now, or know how to fix it to work?

    I'm trying to make a set of wings that appear and animate during flight, but vanish when flight is ended.


    Thank you in advance!

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