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Elecktra Miami

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Posts posted by Elecktra Miami

  1. Ok thanks for clarifying. So it was a violation at first but now after reviewing it, they no longer consider a group board in a pay to join group a violation.  It just sounded like double-talk to me but now it makes sense.  So I'm glad to hear that it's ok.

    I have seen hundreds of shops with group boards in pay to join groups because I often TP around calling boards to help out the MM groups....to help both the slappers win prizes and the merchants, to get people to visit their shops. I think having both public and group boards together in a shop is very effective to get people to your shop and then they might consider joining your group to click the group board too....and may in time become loyal customers. 

  2. Yes that's what I meant about the sploders.  I've seen a lot of residents post that they were illegal, unless skill was used to play, causing sploder creators to start making sploders with balloons to pop, coins to pick up, trivia questions to answer and who knows what else. But I never ever saw a post by the Lindens saying sploders were illegal and I guess no one else ever saw one either, since the regular old kind of non-skill sploder still remains after all these years in so many locations.  So, they're illegal but allowed to stay?  Or are t hey legal and it was only a rumor that they weren't. 

    NickyMinaj's board was returned by a Linden and a ticket response explains why the board was returned but then the ticket ends with "it is not a violation", so which is it?  I don't know if that means she can put her board back since hundreds of merchants still use group boards in a pay to join group....or not.  To me that's a mystery until they make it clear in the policy.

    If you haven't viewed it yet, the ticket response is here  LL Skill Gaming - CasperTech Wiki .

    Just saying....it's not fair that she was singled out and that no announcement has been made in the policy saying you can't use a group only board in a pay to join group....and everyone else can continue to use theirs while she can't. 



  3. I forgot to say....rollover mode  isn't as fun....there's no challenge and the board usually takes a couple or 3 days to lock, sometimes longer depending on the target.  But it does bring traffic and some will go click it to help friends win it even if they don't need or want it, so it's fun in that way....seeing how fast you can get it to lock, I suppose....and there's community effort to lock it.  It's more fun if the same prize isn't left to run for too many cycles.

  4. Some boards can be set to rollover mode (meaning everyone wins when the target is reached - no cutoff time).  That would take the element of chance away from a board used as a group board in a pay to join group.  The board definitely awards the prize to all clickers, as long as the merchant lets it run its course....or forces the prize delivery early if the board is stopped earlier.

    But yes, LL needs to post these things...because new people join SL every day and aren't going to know the rules if they can't be found. Or perhaps they'll put the burden on the board creator to state this in instructions....not to use group mode in a pay to join group unless the board is in rollover mode (if indeeed this IS their policy). So far there's only word from one Linden on this.

  5. I'm thinking too it's because of the join fee on the group, which is a shame, because I agree a join fee can help curb abuse by alts.  And most merchants with group boards set the target low enough to be reached with a little effort, such as NickyMinaj's are. Someone asked why even have boards and not just give the gifts. The reason is the boards are fun to try to lock. What's wrong with making things a little fun? Perhaps the Linden wanted to slap the board and was irritated that it was group only with a fee to join...lol.  Maybe if there's a fee to join a group, the MMs can't be group only also.  It will interesting to hear the explanation.

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