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Posts posted by XimeAy

  1. Good afternoon, my request is that in the day yesterday, make a purchase of Linden from my account Paypal and so far not received the Linden, has been almost 24 hours after order, and my credit card and I was done such payment. I need an immediate solution please.
    Excuse my translation into inlges, it is with the use of a translator. I am from Argentina.
    Thank you so much.

  2. Hola, mi reclamo es el siguiente: para fecha 16/08/2016 realice la compra de 5000 Linden a traves de mi cuenta PayPal, como lo hago en reiteradas oportunidades, y hasta el momento no me han depositado en mi cuenta dichos Linden, y el Pago a traves de la Tarjeta se realizo sin problemas. Necesito una respuesta urgente a tal transaccion. El numero de orden de la compra es: 55936549. 

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