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Everything posted by altarlight

  1. Thanks to all who responded. Gives me an idea at least that others have had similar problems. As to invisibility, that wasn't an action of my own (ever). There is no need to go on about it. Just wanted to get a little information. Didn't know there was a copybot program, etc., or what "Hello Avatar!" indicated. Not paranoid, just looking for resolution where possible...and probably there isn't enough information for that to happen. Thanks again...you may consider this thread closed (as I probably won't be checking it again).
  2. Not sure what to call it, because I'm not sure what happened. This is a description in case someone has information or a suggestion. At a location I go to every day, dancing on a pose ball alongside others... Suddenly, a very large somewhat avatar-looking object appeared next to me...which had the convoluted appearance of wrapping around something (perhaps my avatar?). Then I noticed that my avatar was no longer visible, and yet I was still on the SIM and my name still appeared as though over my avatar. Unclear what to do, I teleported within the SIM over to the edge, and my avatar reappeared normally. I returned to dancing, wondering what happened, but not too concerned. Note: I don't use "alts"...don't even know how to create one. I spent more time on that SIM, then did shopping on the web at MP, several stores, and also visited other SIMs, and other stores inside SL using the same avi and others. I changed back to the same avi as before and returned to the SIM and began dancing again. I was doing this for hours (multitasking off the computer at the same time). Then I noticed an acquaintance had IM'd me, so I looked to see what she was saying. She was gone already, and had angrily stated some things I was supposed to have done, but had not...and she had muted me. I haven't been able to get a response from her or others in nearby chat or IM's to others who know her, but it was apparently upsetting. She avoided being at the dance area where she usually is when there, and stayed off at a distance, etc. Anyway, later I noticed in nearby chat first one avi name, then another, saying "Hello, Avatar!" several times. However, there was no one in nearby chat with these names. This is not the end of the world or anything, but if it were possible to gain more information and understanding about what happened, it could be useful to assist resolve things, as well as perhaps be wiser in the future (if in fact there is anything one can do to prevent such things). This is the first time I tried posting anything, so I don't know if I automatically receive responses or need to try to find the thread and check it manually. I'll try in either case. --- Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the response. I used my SL viewer directly, and it would not teleport me anywhere.
  4. Browser mentioned because I started at the SL web site. It did load the viewer, but would not teleport anywhere. As to KB...that stands for Knowledge Base. Thanks for the response. Downloading a fresh copy and starting over.
  5. New to SL...got an email to visit...but can't teleport anywhere (searched KB first). When arriving, auto-downloaded and installed update to SL, then restarted. But can't go anywhere. Tried IE and FireFox. -- Thanks
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