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Posts posted by SeraphXIII

  1. I never said you were a wierdo or a perv. I was saying some people in sl are, and most people know this. I, like many have had bad experiences with giving out real info up front so therefore I no longer do. That sort of trust must be earned from both myself and another person. I just want friends on sl to hang out with, and there is nothing wrong with that or building up a sort of following on social media for business purposes. Let's just drop this subject. We don't know each other and I don't want you assuming you know me or anything or making judgments. The people I am friends with know who I am and we get along really well. Some others got busy with real life and we don't talk much anymore, which sucks. I miss going clubbing in sl with them lol. Either way, friendship is pleasant when people aren't always trying to have pixel sex xD or webcam with people. I understand long distance relationships, and that is fine but getting approached by desperate people all the time is annoying. There is a thing called conversation and getting to know someone first. It just seems like some people have forgotten that idk lol.  SL is so much more than that though. 

  2. Troll much lmao. I am posting for second life friends and social networking. My real life is none of anyone's business unless I develop a real friendship with someone then cool we can exchange info, until then for all sorts of reasons I keep my rl stuff private. Some people on sl are pervs and weirdos, so um yeah... lol. Oh, and SL can generate a real income which is why I created those accounts to begin with... for business which leads into real life but that does not mean I have to give out my rl info to complete strangers otherwise.

  3. Hello everyone. I am looking to make friends from anywhere, especially from Japan. I enjoy gaming, reading, writing, martial arts, music, anime, and going to clubs, beaches etc. It would be awesome to have some people to hang out with in sl and chat with over social media once in awhile. I am a SL exploraholic lol. 


    My SL Name is SeraphXIII  (Display Seraphina)

    Second Life Blog: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/princessseraphina

    Second Life Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014771892683

    Second Life Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeraphinaRoyal

    Second Life Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkvCMzyUIyXzSWLbS0S7AIw

    Please follow, add, and suscribe to my social network/media accounts. Thanks!



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