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  1. Edited: SL viewer is the first party one and latest version naturally OS: windows 8.1 possessor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU B970 @ 2.30GHz 2.30GHz Installed memory(RAM): 4.00 GB System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor not sure If I'm lacking anything? It's also a laptop and my internet is cable, naturally I turn the graphics to the lowest to make it easier for it to handle stuff Let me rephrase my problem: I needed to update SL so I did so and for some reason when I did I get messages of "failed to load [Gesture]" and "[Body shape] not found in database" and/or "[Attachment] not found in database]" so I looked it up and found it to fit under "inventory loss" so I followed the steps as far as I could before SL would forcefully log me out from the message build up so I get roughly 5mins to do them all which I managed to do them all in one go eventually but to no success. Due to said issue I created an alternative account so I can continue to interact with my friends but the heck of a puzzle piece is that the alternate account is wearing Identical attachments(went out of my way to make sure of it) but it's not getting the same issue so I'm just wondering if it would be an issue on Liden's end or my end? By the way I really appreciate the feedback, assistance and so forth, and yes my SL force logging out is a common thing funny only when editing things with a shiny like texture
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