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Everything posted by millekarnille

  1. Hi folkz. I would like to make an object for sale, but for free. I see that some have made objects for sale for free, so they cost L$0, like demos. But I can't put it for sale for L$0, since my LL3 viewer refuses to let me sell anything for less than L$1. Is there a way to go around this problem? Thanks!
  2. Yes I finally made it work! Had to rez all stuff in a sandbox, remove full bright, and then pick it up. It looks normal now. Thank you!
  3. I discovered that many creators randomly switches between full bright on/off, which makes things look pretty bad. My whole avatar is set to full bright, and her hair, while her dress isn't. The result isn't pretty.
  4. Hello peps. I have a problem(?) with my viewer or system. Some avatars and prims in SL are full bright, as in not reflecting any light at all. It doesn't matter if it's day or night, if I'm inside or outside, the stuff is just full bright and look so bright and cartoonish. Its out of my control it seems! :/ Like when I buy whole sets, some parts of those sets are full bright, while others aren't. :/ My videocard is a nvidia 580gtx. I run everything at max in SL, and it looks great, except for those full bright objects. Could it be my setup? Help plz! :D
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