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Everything posted by Mildrederr

  1. I am using the DSD head with a 1st act body. A few days back the eyes fit inplace after a few quick sessions of editing my shape. I had the shape perfected that the eyes fit ect ect. Then all of a sudden the eyes are bulging. If I try to edit them backwards, thats no good. They'll just pop out again when the eyes follow my mouse movement. Any way of fixing this? The eyes on my Horse AV also pop out, the aventiy modded blunderforge horse. 
  2. Anyway to force the pointy ears on the hud to show up? As i'm having a hard time trying to click the button to do so, its not centered as well as I thought and I wondered if there was a kind-a manual way to make the pointy ears appear on the head. cheers o/
  3. Mildrederr


    Anyone know any good eyes for this head? :) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Paws-Horse-Head-Boxed/7030067
  4. Heya! I've been looking around the Chimera store inworld to find this avatar: http://www.slarf.org/chimera-dogs/ Specifcally the Doberman. Has this product been removed from the vendor's buildings? As i've looked in everyone and I can not find it. Anyother place where this might be sold from? Cheers.
  5. Heya! I've been looking around the Chimera store inworld to find this avatar: http://www.slarf.org/chimera-dogs/ Specifcally the Doberman. Has this product been removed from the vendor's buildings? As i've looked in everyone and I can not find it. Anyother place where this might be sold from? Cheers.
  6. The thing is we both have the same computer and specs. We both have AMD Radeon graphics cards, at the moment he is using the defualt secondlife viewer. Both our drivers are up to date.
  7. Hey! My boyfriend is having trouble being able to see certain avatars, such as mesh avatars. An example would be that he used the TWI Lion avatar and only sees the ears and my Bifrost Bunny avatar he only sees the eyes. Any help? I understand he can't see mesh (I think) But he's reinstalled the viewer and has installed alternate ones, yet he still sees his ears rather than the rest of the avatar. Thanks <3
  8. The problem is I don't know where to start looking on the marketplace for this kinda stuff :<
  9. http://www.slarf.org/avatar-planet-bat/ Would anybody seem to know a place where I could get a nude texture for my female bat avatar? I'd be grateful for an awnser :> Including nipples and slit obv
  10. Hey, i'm helping my boyfriend set up his new dragon avatar: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SP-Dragon-Guardian-Abyss-Forest/5557088 And I am unable to activate the quad mode (four legged dragon). Could anybody lend some help?
  11. Hey I was looking into buying this avatar: http://www.slarf.org/chimera-smilodon/ Seems as if it has dissapered from the marketplace :o Anybody help me out as to where it has gone, and if it is still buyable? Any thanks will be much appreciated
  12. Well apparently not Seems like my avatar has two sets of legs One digitgrade the other normal. It looks rather strange, anything I could download/do to help this?
  13. Heya! Absolutely happy about my ram avatar. However, how do I get rid of my previous avatar's legs so the digitgrades can be seen. How can I get rid of the feet aswell so the hooves are seen. Help is very appreciated :)
  14. I have set up my billing but I want to buy linden however it only says USD instead of UK currency to Linden.
  15. How do I buy Linden using Great British Pounds? I can't seem to change the dollars to pounds.
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