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Posts posted by StrawHatGuy

  1. New to LSL, but not new to programming (C, Java, Python, C#, HTML/CSS/JS/PHP, etc). I don't mind helping out with small scripts or bug fixes for free. If it's anything that will take more than 30 minutes, then I will have to charge for labor.

  2. Hey all,

    As the title describes, I know a fair amount of programming (C, Java, Python, C#, etc). The tutorials that I've looked at so far cater towards beginner programmers. I was wondering if there are any LSL tutorials for people with more programming experience. A cheat sheet for LSL would be nice too.

    I'd also like to know if anyone out there has recommendations for any tools for LSL scripting. Someone mentioned OpenSimulator before, so I will take a look at that sometime later in the week. I currently have zero L$ and cannot buy any scripting tools, but if there are any tools out there worth buying, please let me know!

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